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Main » 2009 » Июль » 3 » UpdateStar 4.5.952 Multilang Portable
UpdateStar 4.5.952 Multilang Portable

UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. This way you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your every-day user experience. UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers.
С помощью этой утилиты, пользователь сможет обновлять установленное на своём компьютере ПО до самой последней актуальной версии. Программа постоянно следит за наличием обновлённых версий ПО на сайтах производителя и обновляет его автоматически или предоставив выбор пользователю. Можно обновлять как коммерческие, так и свободно распространяемые программы. Кроме того, UpdateStar следит за акциями и скидками на коммерческое ПО, тем самым помогая пользователю не упустить шанс получить экономию.

Stay up-to-date with your software: UpdateStar offers you a time-saving one-stop information place for your software setup and makes your computer experience more productive.

Protect yourself against outdated Software!Old software can cause system crashes or other problems It can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside. UpdateStar puts a stop to all that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can download the update straight away!

NOTE: More features are available with the Premium Edition of UpdateStar.

Here are some key features of "UpdateStar":

Stay up-to-date with your software:
· UpdateStar offers you a time-saving one-stop information place for your software setup and makes your computer experience more productive and secure.

Reduce your PC's vulnerability level:
· Old software can lSaveead to problems and system crashes. It can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside. UpdateStar puts a stop to all that and provides you with the updates you need. This way you are protected against outdated software.

Maintained by the users for the users:
· Thousands of voluntary users assist the UpdateStar team to keep our database with tens of thousands of software products up-to-date. All submissions are being reviewed for security reasons.


· Intel Pentium II 400 MHz or equivalent
· 256 MB RAM
· Mouse
· Keyboard

Update: 02.07.2009 (Added: 04.12.2008)
Supported Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003
Languages: English, Russian
Developer: UpdateStar
Size: 5,7 МБ

Category: Portable Soft | Views: 770 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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