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Main » 2009 » Июль » 24 » Portable The Panorama Factory v5.3 Build 2802(Multilingual)
Portable The Panorama Factory v5.3 Build 2802(Multilingual)

Portable The Panorama Factory v5.3 Build 2802(Multilingual)
It's packaged in Thinstall 4.0.1-2866 Program is registered

The Panorama Factory transforms (warps) the images so that they can be joined seamlessly into panoramas whose fields of view can range up to 360 degrees. The Panorama Factory creates images that rival those made by rotational and swing-lens panoramic cameras. Not only can The Panorama Factory facilitate creation of immersive VR worlds, it also provides features for the fine-art panoramic photographer who wishes to work from ordinary 35mm images or images captured with a digital camera.
The Panorama Factory - одна из лучших программ для создания панорамных изображений из набора цифровых фотографий. Программа исправляет вынужденные искажения линзой и создает или цилиндрические или сферические проектирования изображения. Самой ценной особенностью The Panorama Factory, является возможность тонкой подстройки переходов между соседними кадрами. Для этого вся область перехода делится на заданное количество частей, в каждой из которых происходит более точное наложение пересекающихся участков снимков. Таким образом устраняются артефакты "двоения" и смазывания изображения -- изъяны панорам, встречающиеся чаще всего. Легко и просто создаются как простые панорамы, так и круговые. Оценить возможности приложения смогут даже те пользователи, которые не имеют опыта работы с другими средствами редактирования изображений. Для создания панорамы владельцу цифровой камеры достаточно загрузить в компьютер серию снимков, снятых из одной точки. Программа совместит исходные фотографии и обеспечит их бесшовное склеивание в автоматическом режиме. Для опытных пользователей есть ручной режим со своими установками опций. Русский язык присутствует.

The Panorama Factory V5 is available in Catalan, Chinese-Simplified†, Chinese-Traditional†, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese†, Norwegian-Bokmal (63%*), Polish, Russian, Slovak (81%*), Spanish (98%*), Turkish (24%*). These languages are included with the V5 download. Online help is supplied in a "bilingual" format showing commands, buttons, etc. in the local language with explanations in English.
What's new in V5.3?
- A new edition, the Mac Leopard Edition is now available. The old Mac edition has been renamed the Mac Legacy Edition. The Leopard delivers improved stitching speed on multi-processor systems (including multi-core systems) by performing image computations in parallel. The new Mac Leopard Edition requires Mac OS X 10.5 or newer. If you are running OS X 10.3 or 10.4 you must use The Mac Legacy Edition.
- Support for Windows Imaging Component (WIC) has been added to the m32 and x64 Editions. WIC supports a variety of image file formats, notably many camera RAW formats, through plug-ins that are available from camera manufacturers and third parties. We do not provide WIC plug-ins, but will take advantage of any WIC plug-ins that are installed on your computer. Image files formats that are available through WIC are automatically recognized by The Panorama Factory and are listed in the Files of type drop down list on the Import Images dialog box. For more information about WIC and for a list of available plug-ins, refer to “Windows Imaging Component” in the online help Chapter 9, “Image file formats”.
- 76 new cameras were added to the camera library in V5.3 and 24 more in V5.3.2802 (May 17, 2009).
- The following trouble reports are corrected in V5.3:
- TR 1158 Meta keys (SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, COMMAND) sometimes do not work on a secondary Mac keyboard
- TR 1166 Abnormal termination using some non-Apple keyboards
- TR 1486 Abnormal termination upon choosing the Crop command
- V5.3.2800 (April 19, 2009) corrects a bug that caused abnormal termination in the Leopard Edition on PowerPC when playing the alert sound.
- V5.3.2800 (April 19, 2009) corrects a bug that sometimes caused abnormal termination during fine tuning. This applies to all editions.
- V5.3.2802 (May 17, 2009) corrects a bug that sometimes caused abnormal termination in the Leopard Edition on Intel when using the mouse to move the Wizard panel.
- V5.3.2802 (May 17, 2009) corrects a bug that sometimes caused abnormal termination when exporting polygon hotspots. This applies to all editions.
Сайт: http://www.panoramafactory.com/index.html
Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Интерфейс: ML / Русский
Available for users only

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