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Main » 2009 » Июль » 27 » BS Icon Maker Portable
BS Icon Maker Portable

BS Icon Maker is a professional icon software. It's designed both for artist or someone who have not any drawing ability, by this icon maker, hand-drawing style icons can be created from a photo wizardly. It is easy to use, just load the photo, and then adjust the slider bars.Anti-aliasing is an important tech for an icon maker, without this tech, we can't distinguish a 5 pixels width ellipse from a 5 pixels width round rectangle. BS Icon Maker provides anti-aliasing for graphics and text.
BS Icon Maker – новое профессиональное, но чрезвычайно простое в управлении, программное обеспечение для создания высококачественных иконок художниками а так же теми кто не владеет соответствующими для этого знаниями. Просто загрузите изображение и передвигайте ползунок до необходимого размера, — ВСЕ! Сглаживание графики и текста — Anti-aliasing — важная технология программы, без нее вы не сможете добиться высокой схожести с исходником в малом размере. В дополнение в программе присутствует граббинг ресурсов в виде изображений из EXE, DLL, OCX и CPL файлов, миксинг картинок, наличие и применение эффектов, а так же возможность отката на исходные позиции при ошибке. BS Icon Maker оказывает полную поддержку иконок для Windows Vista и Windows XP.

Sometimes, we need write text on icon, but the icon is too small to write enough characters, to write more characters, we have to write rotated text. To write rotated text via BS Icon Maker is easy, you can rotate to any angle by dragging the handle.

Other Features:

BS Icon Maker includes an Icon Library Editing tool, by this tool you can create or edit ICL files. Far more than ICL file, this tool can extract icons from EXE, DLL, OCX and CPL files.
You can mix some icons to create a new icon by Icon Mixer.
There are many effects and filters in this icon maker, such as Emboss, Blur, Prewitt Edges, Stroke, and Sharpen.
Previewable bucket tool.
BS Icon Maker provides a History Window. You can instantly undo or redo multiple steps with this window.
BS Icon Maker provides completely support for Windows Vista Icons and Windows XP Icons.

This New Vision BS Icon Maker 1.1 includes the following major changes:

Photo to icon convertor supports more formats: gif, png
Adds a reset button to reset the picture to the inital size and inital position
When icon editor window is active, allow cancel the text when press Del or ESC.
In the histoy window, the thumbnails after the current selected displayed in gray.
Bug fixed: When icon editor window size is changed, text frame should change its size with the window.
Aften the photo opened, Photo to icon convertor sets photo on the center of the icon frame.
Bug fixed: In the photo to icon convertor, click on the photo and not release the mouse button, then press the ESC key will produce a memory error.
Bug fixed: In the couse of the text editing, undoing, effects and filters do not take effect.
Bug fixed: Sometimes the coloring layer not match the linement layer

Update: Jul 23, 2009
Supported Platforms: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP or Vista
Languages: English
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The program is registered
Size: 1.7 Mb

Category: Portable Soft | Views: 1079 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
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