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Main » 2009 » Август » 13 » Portable USB Threat Defnder 1.0 ENG
Portable USB Threat Defnder 1.0 ENG

Portable USB Threat Defnder 1.0 ENG
It's packaged in VMwTA Program is registered

USB Threat Defender - маленький антивирус для защиты ваших USB подключений от всевозможных угроз.
Незаменимая утилита в наше время.
USB Threat Defender
Ultimate USB Anti-Virus, get the rock-solid protection.
USB Threat Defender - Ultimate USB Anti-Virus, maximum protection guaranteed.
USB Threat Defender is not just another autorun.inf virus remover, it takes more than that to provide maximum protection guarantee.USB Threat Defender is the ultimate USB Anti-Virus, its unique Proactive and Definition scan Technology combined together unleashes a new security stronghold level to give rock-solid protection against any USB threat, guaranteed.

USB drives are common today, they are used as USB Flash drive, removable hard disk, Memory card, SD, MicroSD, MMC, USB Camera, USB Audio player, Mobile phone, iPod, Iphone etc. These USB storage disks are often infected with malwares which have a large variety, and are undetected by the Anti-Virus. When plugged into a system they infect the host system. These malwares damage the system, they destroy important files, cripple the system and much more.
What you need is - USB Threat Defender.
USB Threat Defender is the ultimate USB Anti-Virus, its unique Proactive and Definition scan Technology combined together unleashes a new security stronghold level to give rock-solid protection against any USB threat, and not just the autorun viruses which only constitute a small part of USB threats.
This new protection level detects and removes both known and unknown threats missed by your Anti-Virus to give maximum protection against any USB threat attack. It also removes pre-existing installed viruses from your system.
USB Threat Defender is designed to work without regular updates, hence it protects both Online and Offline computers of Home and Business effectively.
Provides maximum protection against any USB Threats.
Uses Proactive Scan Technology to detect unknown malwares.
Uses Definition based scan to detect known malwares.
Successfully Removes already installed malwares on a system.
Cures crippled system, and restores system health.
Performs complete indepth analysis to detect malwares.
Uses integrated real-time Resident Shield to detect malwares at early stage.
Has Quarantine Option to recover infections.
Does not require regular Updates.
Protects both Online and Offline systems effectively.
Protects Home and Business systems effectively.
Easy to use graphical interface.
One time registration fee, lifetime FREE upgrades.

Большинство людей считают, что хороший антивирус дает им 100% защиты, но к сожалению это не так, все современные антивирусы не обеспечивают даже 90% защиты, особенно в отношении угрозы USB. Все мы пользуемся съемными накопителями для переноса данных такими как: внешний HDD, флэш-диски, ipod, карты памяти и т.д. Все эти USB устройства в силу своей незащищенности являются разносчиками malwares, троянов, рукитов и прочей гадости которые проникают в Ваш компьютер при подключении к нему и заражают нанося ущерб системе, уничтожая важные файлы, воруют конфиденциальную информацию и многое другое.


Category: Portable Soft | Views: 1230 | Added by: vv07 | Rating: 0.0/0
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