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Main » 2010 » Апрель » 7 » IDM UltraCompare Professional v7.10.0.1010 Portable
IDM UltraCompare Professional v7.10.0.1010 Portable

A complement to your file management suite, UltraCompare Professional is loaded with features to enable you to compare text files and folders, as well as zip files and jar archives.
В дополнение к файлу пакета управления UltraCompare Professional, в эту сборку включены Binary Compare и Folder Compare с функцями, чтобы вы могли сравнивать текстовые файлы и папки, а также почтовые файлы и банки архивов.

Text file compare features include binary and text compare of two or three text files at a time, with the ability to merge text differences between compared files. Folder compare supports comparison of local/network directories (and subdirectories with recursive folder compare) and zip file compare as well, and like text/binary compare, you can merge differences between compared directories. With automatic integration with UltraEdit or UEStudio, UltraCompare Professional is a compare tool you should not be without!

Chances are if you're reading this you already use UltraEdit, but you probably don't have UltraCompare Professional yet. You may not realize how important such a text file compare tool is or how versatile it can be.

You may have even used UltraCompare Lite but are now finding that this lightweight comparison utility is not robust enough for your text editing purposes. UltraCompare Professional boasts a fuller text compare feature set with text file compare for two or three files AND includes folder compare for two to three folders. Of course, we've also included merge capabilities, ignore options, FTP support, and more. Compare the differences yourself between UltraCompare Lite and UltraCompare Professional.

If you are inspecting your file or code changes by hand you are losing precious time, accuracy and productivity. Compare and merge operations are the cornerstone of a differences tool, and we have placed many merge/post-merge features into UltraCompare so you can easily compare your differences and merge your selections with confidence and trust. Whether you are a lone developer or work as part of a team, how many times have you wanted to compare your text files or compare source code to modified versions, and merge your changes into the newer versions?

We all know to make backups - but what happens when something goes wrong and you need to compare your legacy backup with your current backup? Ever needed to compare SQL files between two databases? That's where a compare/merge/sync tool can help. Do you find yourself needing to compare FTP files? Use UltraCompare's integrated FTP/SFTP to download your text files from the remote server, perform compare/merge operations, then save your files back to the server.

How many times have all of us downloaded a software update or text file and wondered what's changed since the last release or version? Still not convinced? Look over our feature maps or our complete feature listing, or take a tour of the newest features. Finally, make sure to download your free trial today to start comparing and merging your files and folders. Don't forget: UltraEdit users can save big when bundling UltraCompare Professional with an upgrade of UltraEdit!

* Multi-task with Tabbed Sessions
Sessions are your way of working with multiple compares regardless of mode - all within one application. The tabbed interface allows you to easily toggle between multiple sessions. Double-clicking a file/folder in folder mode will open a new session within the same instance of UltraCompare.
* Workspace Manager
The workspace manager allows you to access your files/folders from within the application. With its drag-and-drop functionality, you can locate the file(s) or folder(s) you wish to compare, drag them to the compare frame, then run your compare. The workspace manager also includes the session list for accessing and executing your saved sessions.
* Session Manager
The session manager (located in the workspace manager) provides you with a list of all of your saved sessions and recent compare sessions. Right-click anywhere in the session manager to add the active session. Or, need to organize different types of sessions? Simply add a new session group. Last but not least, you can also right-click an existing session to rename, delete, or edit its properties.
* Session Properties dialog
For your existing sessions, the session properties dialog gives you away of accessing and changing your settings. The session properties dialog includes settings for two and three-way file and folder compare modes as well as binary compare modes. You can use the session properties dialog to set the paths of the compare (both local and FTP/SFTP), ignore options, column compare, display settings, and so much more.
* Word Document/RTF File Compare
Compare Word Documents/RTF files in UltraCompare. This is a fantastic feature for any UltraCompare user. Version 6.00a includes support for DocX files.
Compare Online Files with Web Compare
If you work with web files, you are probably accustomed to downloading the file via FTP or viewing the source, saving the text, then doing a compare. The all new web compare alleviates the extra steps and imports the contents of the web file for a quick and easy compare.
* FTP/SFTP File and Folder Compare
Access your files and folders located on a remote server! Use UltraCompare to execute a folder comparison and sync your local and remote directories. You can even use it to create a local backup of your website. Visit our FTP directory comoare oowertioto set this ud in UltraComoare Professional.
* Shell Integration
Shell integration allows you to use UltraCompare in the right-click context menu, in explorer, on the files/folders you want to compare. Simly select the files/folders and then launch UltraCompare... all from within Windows explorer.
* Reporting
UltraCompare also gives you compare reporting/output capabilities. Configure compare output to print and save differences in context, differences of one file only, and side by side comparison.

Сравниение характеристики текстовых файлов включают сравнение двух или трех бинарных иили текстовых файлов одновременно, с возможностью объединения различия текстов сравниваемых файлов. Сравнение папок поддерживает сравнение локальных / сетевых каталогов (и подкаталогов с рекурсивным сравнением папок) и архивов, а также сравнить, и как текст / двоичный код сравнение, вы можете объединить различия между сравниваемыми каталогами. Программа автоматически интегрируется с UltraEdit и UEStudio. UltraCompare Professional представляет собой инструмент для сравнения и вы не должны быть без него!

Скорее всего, если вы читаете это, значит вы уже используете UltraEdit, но вы, вероятно, еще не испытали UltraCompare Professional. Вы можете не осознавать, насколько важны такие инструменты сравнивания текстовых файлов и каким универсальным инструментом она может быть.

Вы можете даже использовать UltraCompare Lite, но теперь все находят, что это утилита сравнения недостаточна для многих целей редактирования текста. UltraCompare Professional кроме полно текстового сравнения с набором текста в сравнениваемых двух или трех файлах, также может сравнить две-три папки. Конечно, мы также в эту программу включили возможности слияния, ввод параметров игнорирования, поддержку FTP и многое другое. Сравните сами различия между UltraCompare Lite и UltraCompare Professional.

Основные возможности:
• Perl совместимый механизм регулярных выражений;
• Мощные новые возможности FTP/SFTP. FTP аккаунты доступны и показываются в File Tree View. Параметры настройки FTP теперь могут быть в файле, определяемом пользователем. Возможность соединения с локальной и удаленной папками и пересылки файлов между удаленным сервером и локальной системой;
• Улучшения операции поиска/замены
• Расширена поддержка UNICODE
• Выделение всех найденных фрагментов строки
• Поддержка свернутого кода для игнорированных строк и строк комментариев
• Расширенная поддержка UltraCompare Professional, включая трехстороннее сравнение
• Новые макро-команды
• Новое улучшенное диалоговое окно для User и Project Tools
• Автовосстановление измененных файлов после сбоя системы/приложения
• Увеличение наборов User и Project Tools до 25-ти в каждом
• Улучшенная (Aspell) спеллинг-поддержка
• Все меню и панели инструментов переключаются вместе со сменой профилей пользователей

Update: Apr, 2010
Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Languages: English
Developer: ultraedit.com
The program is registered
Size: 6.75 Mb

Attachments: Картинка 1
Category: Portable Soft | Views: 820 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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