Если вы ранее использовали подобную утилиту для создания файлов помощи, вы можете продолжить свою работу импортируя в HelpScribble HPJ и RTF файлы созданные другой утилитой. HelpScribble не является надстройкой над MS Word как большинство других утилит для работы с файлами справки, а является полностью независимым многофункциональным средством со своим встроенным редактором. С помощью HelpScribble вы можете создавать различные документы:
* WinHelp... WinHelp - формат справочного файла поддерживаемый всеми версиями windows. Этот формат достаточно быстрый и компактный. В HelpScribble есть все необходимые функции для создания файлов данного формата. В том числе: оглавление, ключевые слова и т.д.
* HTML Help... HTML Help новый формат справочного файла поддерживаемый Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP а так же являющийся стандартом для .NET Используя HelpScribble вы сможете делать классические WinHelp.hlp файлы а так же новые HTML help.chm
* Web Help... Если вам необходимо разработать онлайн документацию, вы можете сделать один большой HTML файл или несколько маленьких из вашего HelpScribble проекта. Кроме того, в HelpScribble имеется возможность загрузить эти файлы на сервер.
* Печатная документация... Читать бумажную документацию проще чем документацию с экрана. HelpScribble позволяет создавать документацию в формате PDF которая затем может быть распечатана на принтере
HelpScribble!The Complete Help Authoring Tool!
If you have previously used another help authoring tool, you can reuse your work by importing the HPJ+RTF files created with the other tool or by a help decompiler.
You can use the help files you make with HelpScribble to provide context-sensitive help with your Windows applications, no matter which development tool you use. You can also use HelpScribble to create stand-alone portable documents.
HelpScribble runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, and 7. It can create help files for all these versions of Windows, and also for Windows 3.1.
HelpScribble's Features and Benefits;
Write Perfect Help Files for Your Software;
You need HelpScribble to create a top quality help file for your software. Windows users expect to receive detailed documentation at a quick press of the F1 button. You will sell more copies of your software if a thoughtful help file flattens the learning curve for prospects trying the evaluation version of your product.
No matter which development tool you are using, you can always use a help file created with HelpScribble to provide context-sensitive help for your application, whether it's 16-bit Windows, 32-bit Windows or .NET (dot net).
If you know how to use a word processor, you can build a help file with HelpScribble. Creating new topics and adding links to them cannot be easier. No experience required.
Portable Documents with Hyperlinks;
With HelpScribble you can easily create hyperlinked documents that can be read on any computer running Windows.
The WinHelp files that you create with HelpScribble are a collection of linked pages, just like a web site. But unlike a web site, you only need to distribute one file. This file can be read on any Windows computer. No other software is needed.
You need absolutely no programming experience to use HelpScribble. Many word processors and HTML editors are more complicated than HelpScribble.
The Complete Help Authoring Tool;
HelpScribble is a full-featured stand-alone help authoring tool. It is not an add-on for MS Word like so many other help writing products. You can create the entire help file right within HelpScribble.
With HelpScribble you can even provide your documentation in several forms, all from the same source. You can add context-sensitive help to your application, print a manual and provide online documentation on your web site.
WinHelp is the classic Windows help file format. It is fast, compact and supported by Windows 3.x, NT 3.x, 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP. Windows users are familiar with it. Most Windows development tools allow you to use WinHelp files to add context-sensitive help to your applications.
With HelpScribble you have all the functionality you need to build a complete help file, including table of contents, keyword index, browse sequences, etc. With HelpScribble's SHG (image map) editor, you can make your pictures or screen shots say more than a thousand words.
Printed Manual;
Reading from paper is a lot easier than reading from a screen. A printed manual or, for downloadable software, a printable manual in PDF format, adds greatly to the value of your product.
You can use your HelpScribble project as the basis for your printed manual. You can export your help text to one large RTF or HTML file that you or your DTP professional can turn into a finished manual using a word processor or DTP program.
HTML Help;
HTML Help is Microsoft's new help format. It is supported by Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, and 7. It is the standard help format for .NET (dot net). Using HelpScribble, you can build classic WinHelp .hlp files and new HTML Help .chm files from the same source. You decide whether you want maximum compatibility with older computers, or if you want to offer a state of the art help system, or both.
Web Help;
If you want to provide online documentation, you can create one large HTML file or a collection of HTML files from your HelpScribble project and upload those to your web site. Your customers will have instant access to the latest documentation at any time.
Cross-Platform Help;
If you are developing platforms such as Linux, where there is no standard help format, you can provide your documentation as HTML files. The user can easily view those files in a browser. If you use Kylix, you can even easily integrate them into your application.
Available for users only