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Portable Soft out vv07

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Main » 2010 » Июнь » 1 » Portable 3D Ebook Cover 1.0
Portable 3D Ebook Cover 1.0

Portable 3D Ebook Cover 1.0|Work in Windows XP,Vista,Win 7
It's packaged in VMWare ThinApp v Program is registered|rar|29 MB

3D Ebook Cover is a software product that enables you to create high-definition 3D product shots.
3D Ebook Cover - поможет создать разнообразные 3D изображения высокого качества. Не нужно никаких навыков работы с 3D – программа сделает всю работу за вас! Простой интерфейс программы поможет вам стать экспертом всего за пару минут.На мой взгляд,одна из лучших в своем роде,программ.

Создавайте картинку, используя любой из 114 шаблонов или таких объектов: коробка для ПО, брошюра, коробка для CD или DVD диска, DVD/CD диск, журнал, мягкая обложка, твердая обложка, тетрадь на спирали и т.д. Передвигайте, поворачивайте объекты и изменяйте их размер мышкой сразу в окне предпросмотра. Для изменения изображений, просто кликните мышкой по нужному вам изображению. Настраивайте свет, тени и отражения объектов, чтобы продукт получился еще более реалистичным.
Системные требования: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Язык: English
Unique features
top quality covers
wide choice of objects
create scenes for any taste.
easy to use
move, rotate, and scale object using the mouse
change images by clicking on them right in the Preview Window
Produce high-quality covers for online and offline display. 3D Ebook Cover is easy to install and even easier to use. This software product makes you look like a pro. Save your time and money!
Some key features:
Ray tracing and power of your graphics card:
Ray tracing is capable of producing a very high degree of visual realism, but at a greater computational cost. To increase rendering speed "3D Ebook Cover" utilize both the CPU and graphics card. This approach produces high-quality images even when working with the preliminary result in the Preview Window.
Photorealistic shadows:
Although incredibly computation intensive, ray tracing provides the most realistic shadows in order for you to obtain the most beautiful renderings.
Supported objects:
Create scenes for any taste using the built-in library of objects: software box, hardcover, paperback, brochure, CD box, DVD box, DVD/CD, magazine, membership card, spiral memo book, spiral notebook, Vista box etc. Select the objects you need, insert your images and press "Render", it’s that easy!
Transform tools:
What is "Easy to use" user interface? See it for yourself! Move, rotate, and scale object using the mouse right in the Preview Window.
Changing images:
To change images, just click on the image you want right in the Preview Window.
Fully control of reflection on the floor: length, opacity and fading. This makes images look even more realistic.
Transparent background:
You can easily output the rendered image with transparent backgrounds (PNG or TIFF formats) for use in your favorite graphics editor. You may also select a solid background color as well.
Language English

Available for users only

Category: Portable Soft | Views: 1631 | Added by: vv07 | Tags: Images, window, Portable, cover, eBook, objects, preview, 3d | Rating: 0.0/0
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