Portable AVS Document Converter 1.0.1ENG+RUS|work in Windows XP,Vista,Win 7 it's packaged in vmware thinapp v program is registered|rar|46.1 mb Convert documents between various formats. Work with the text files and images without any additional graphics-, or editing software. AVS Document Converter - новая разработка от Online Media Technologies. Программа пpeднaзнaчeнa для пpocмoтpa и кoнвepтaции paзныx типoв дoкyмeнтoв и поддерживает конвертацию между форматами PDF, HTML, HTM, MHT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, TXT, JPEG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF. Возможности программы: Чтение: PDF, HTML, HTM, MHT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, PPT, PPTX, TXT, TIFF, TIF Сохранение: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, TXT, JPEG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF Дpyжecтвeнный интepфeйc пpoгpaммы пoмoгaeт Baм выпoлнить cлeдyющиe oпepaции: - Кoнвepтиpoвaть нecкoлькo фaйлoв oднoвpeмeннo, иcпoльзyя oпцию пaкeтнoй кoнвepтaции; - Пepeключaтьcя в peжим эcкизoв, чтoбы нaйти пoдxoдящyю cтpaницy; - Дoбaвлять вoдянoи знaк и пapoль, чтoбы зaщитить PDF-фaилы; - Пepeимeнoвывaть дoкyмeнты; - Извлeкaть изoбpaжeния и coxpaнять иx кaк oтдeльныe фaйлы. Features Overview Screenshots AVS Document Converter. Click to see the full-size image. AVS Document Converter. Click to see the full-size image. All key formats are supported Read: PDF, HTML, HTM, MHT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, PPT, PPTX, TXT, TIFF, TIF Write: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, ODT, TXT, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF AVS4YOU Online Help. Find answers to your questions. Click here to read. AVS4YOU User's Guides. Click here to read detailed step-by-step guides. Read AVS4YOU Programs Online Help in Adobe PDF format. Click here to download. Convert Various Document Formats Convert your documents between DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, HTML, etc. See a list of supported document formats Use Batch Conversion Convert multiple files with various formats to DOCX, DOC, TXT, RTF, etc. with one button-click. Transfer Files to Images Convert massive DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT to compact JPEG or GIF, and save space on your PC. Adjust Documents for Web Publishing Convert your documents to HTML and publish them as a Web page. Protect PDF Files Create password and protect your PDF-docs. Apply restrictions for editing, copying content or printing your document by the recipients. Use Document Viewer Feature View, zoom, print PDF, ODT, DOCX, etc. without opening bulky software on your PC. Watermark Your Documents Identify your files with a personal watermark. Edit font, color, size and position of your logo on the pages. Save Images as Separate Files Select images contained in documents and save them in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc. without opening any additional graphics applications. Microsoft Windows 7 Support is compatible with the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Multilingual Support interface and tech-support are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Platforms: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7* (no Mac OS/Linux support) Minimum System Requirements Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 1500 MHz or higher RAM: 512 MB or higher Administrative permissions for program installation and activation Internet connection to activate * Windows Vista Recommended System Requirements Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 3 GHz single core/1.8 GHz dual core RAM: 1 GB or higher Video: Windows Vista compatible video card Sound: Windows Vista compatible sound card Note: System requirements may differ depending on the Windows Vista version installed and increase when Windows Aero interface is enabled. Available for users only |