Main » 2010 » Июль » 24 » Portable Skype Password v1.0.379
16:48 Portable Skype Password v1.0.379 |
Portable Skype Password v1.0.379|work in Windows XP,Vista,Win 7 it's packaged in vmware thinapp v program is registered|rar|5.88 mb Skype Password:password recovery tool for Skype Skype Passwords allows to recover passwords stored by Skype in the local computer system. Only stored passwords could be recovered. Skype Password позволяет "вытаскивать" информацию о сохраненных эккаунтах Skype. Для каждого сохраненного эккаунта программа выдает логин и пароль. Программа НЕ предназначена для взлома чужих эккаунтов, она работает только если пароль был сохранен в системе. Для нахождения пароля надо использовать посимвольный перебор всех вариантов (brute force attack). И хотя Skype Password очень быстрая программа (на современном четырехядерном процессоре скорость перебора достигает 20 миллионов паролей в секунду), это может занять значительное время. Skype Password is a password recovery tool (although not a password cracker) that is used to recover lost or forgotten passwords for your Skype accounts. It is important that the password you are trying to recover is stored on your computer (i.e. you are recovering your own password and not trying to crack someone’s passwords). Skype does not save the password itself, it saves a password's hash code. Skype Password instantly obtains hash code, but it may take a lot of time to find the password. To recover the password, you have to use the universal password recovery methods, such as Brute Force Attack and Dictionary Attack. Skype Password is very fast, the search speed is about 20,000,000 password per second on a modern quad-core CPU, however if the password is very long and complex, it may take a lot of time to find the password. Try our Password Calculator to estimate the recovery time. Demo version does not show the found password if it longer than three characters. However you can use the demo version to ensure that the password can be found. Once the DEMO version shows a message that the password has been found, you can order the full version and get the password instantly. Note: this program is not a hacker tool. It won’t help you to find password of an arbitrary Skype user. Remember that only your own passwords (stored on your computer) can be recovered. Available for users only |
Category: Portable Soft |
Views: 4713 |
Added by: vv07
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