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Main » 2010 » Август » 31 » Portable DAVID Laserscanner 2.5.5
Portable DAVID Laserscanner 2.5.5

Portable DAVID Laserscanner 2.5.5|work in Windows XP,Vista,Win 7
it's packaged in vmware thinapp v program is registered|rar|10 mb

DAVID 3D Scanner is a program that can use a laser and a camera to create a 3D object.
Программа,которая дает возможность выполнять трехмерное сканирование объектов и преобразовывать полученный результат в модели, которые можно импортировать в 3D редакторы.

Для работы с программой необхоим компьютер, подключенная к нему камера (подойдет веб-камера). Объект нужно установить в углу комнаты перед двумя плоскостями, которые должны располагаться под углом 90 градусов по отношению друг к другу. Затем нужно взять в руки лазерную указку, включить камеру, направить ее на объект и начать водить лазером по объекту, как кистью. При этом, программа автоматически просчитывает 3D-координаты сканируемой поверхности. DAVID также содержит специальный алгоритм, который автоматически сводит в одно целое результаты сканирования, полученные с разных сторон.
Сразу же после сканирования полученную 3d модель можно просмотреть в интегрированном в программу OpenGL просмоторщике. А результат можно сохранить в формате .obj и использовать для работы с разными 3D редакторами.
Последняя версия программы отличается поддержкой DV камер/камкодеров и возможностью импорта предварительно записанных видеофайлов,а также работа с графикой.
DAVID is a software for 3D laser scanning. All you need to build a 3D scanner is a PC, a camera (eg a webcam), a background corner, and a laser which...
The program supports most cameras with the Microsoft Windows drivers. It includes a good calibration of the camera. You can also scan text and export it as 3D text.
When scanning you can watch the progress in the live mode. The objects can be saved as .obj.
Features of DAVID-laserscanner
DAVID-laserscanner is a very low-cost system for contact-free scanning of 3d objects. The only hardware requirements are a simple commercial hand-held laser and a standard camera.
Compatible to most cameras with Microsoft Windows drivers (WDM):
You can use nearly every MS-Windows compatible camera with WDM support, like your web-cam or fire-wire camera. You can even use your camcorder if you can connect it to your PC (and if you have suitable WDM drivers).
Precise and automatic camera calibration:
It is not possible to get accurate 3d data with an uncalibrated camera. Fortunately DAVID provides a well-integrated and easy to use calibration for automatic computation of the camera's pose and focal length, as well as for compensation of radial lens distortions. Therefore you can accurately scan your objects with absolute scale.
Data smoothing and interpolation:
By moving the laser like a paintbrush, you can sweep over the object until the scan results are smooth and all gaps are filled. Beside that, you can use the gap interpolation and smoothing filters of DAVID to refine your scans.
Texture support:
You can grab a camera shot that will be used as texture. The texturized 3d model can be inspected in the 3d window. Furthermore DAVID exports texture coordinates, which allows you to import the textured object in third-party software.
Integrated 3d viewer:
Inspect your 3d model right after scanning with the integrated OpenGL-based 3D viewer of DAVID.
File export:
Save your scanned object as Alias Wavefront OBJ file. The OBJ-format is an well-established plain text format for triangle meshes and is supported by many 3d applications. (Further file formats can be exported with DAVID-Shapefusion.)
Features of DAVID-Shapefusion
With DAVID-Shapefusion you can merge multiple scans that were made from different sensor directions in order to get a complete textured 360 degree model. This allows you to move the object freely between different scans.
Outlier removal:
By moving a simple slider you can choose which surface segments will be removed and which will be retained. Also you can delete surface parts easily with your mouse. A preview of the result is shown in a 3D window.
Automatic and user-driven alignment:
A precise alignment of your scans is very easy. Just choose one of six different registration modes and a few seconds and mouse clicks later, you get the aligned result.
Robust surface fusion:
You can fuse/merge the aligned scans with a single mouse click. The result is a connected regular triangle mesh. Our fusion method is more than just an ordinary mesh stitching, since it calculates the average of overlapping surface parts and reduces noise and outliers.
Texture support:
In all alignment and fusion steps, textures are processed along with the 3d data. The result is a fused triangle mesh with a fused texture.
User-defined mesh resolution and mesh smoothness:
You can define the mesh resolution and smoothness value to optimize the fusion result for your intended application.
OBJ, PLY, and STL file export:
Choose between the OBJ, PLY, and STL file format to save your fusion result or your aligned and filtered 3d scans.
Advantages over other systems:
The flexible scanning technique of DAVID has several advantages over other systems.
User-friendly handling:
The user interface of DAVID is easy to use and the scanning process is very simple.
Manual laser movement:
You can manually sweep the laser line over the object like a paintbrush. The illumination direction is flexible and allows an interactive avoidance of laser shadow problems and outliers. Only the lightweight laser has to be held and therefore allows a convenient scanning process.
No need of a rotation table, no expensive actuators:
You need no actuators for rotating/translating the laser plane or for rotating/translating the object. Therefore it is also possible to scan e.g. heads and fixed statues.
You can scan the objects from all sides, even from the top and the bottom.
Scalable setup:
Our approach is very scalable. You can simply scale the whole setup up or down to scan small or big object sizes.
Hardware can be reused for other applications:
Since DAVID is a pure software solution that does not rely on specific hardware, you can save money and re-use your own hardware (especially your camera) for other applications.
Language Multilanguage(RUS)

Available for users only

Category: Portable Soft | Views: 1353 | Added by: vv07 | Rating: 0.0/0
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