Из за особенностей регистрации,программа проверяет активацию онлайн.Регистрация тоже,только онлайн.Поэтому сборку вполне можно использовать,юзая кейген на каждом компьютере,где будет запускаться сборка,при это в реальном реестре следов не оставляет.По другому никак.Привязка к серверу увы.
Focus on your content. Let PosterGenius™ do the rest.
PosterGenius™ separates the content from the design of the poster and enables the user to focus on research results while the application automatically optimizes and manages all the rest: design and appearance, dynamic flow and placement of text, images, captions, tables and graphs, font printing and other parameters.
Edit your poster with unparalleled ease.
Even after you have filled up your poster with content you can change dimensions, number of columns and the overall look'n'feel with a single click. All your content, including text, images and captions will be again laid out in a wonderful way; and it's all automatic.
As a result, it's quick and easy to modify a poster sent to a previous scientific conference so as to comply with the guidelines of a new conference, while you focus on the introduction of new data and findings. New version 1.5 out!
Backgrounds for your scientific posters: using the right images properly
Scientific posters should be eye-catching. Colors, graphs and images all help achieve this. The right background image used properly and combined with a nice selection of colors can really make a scientific poster stand out among others in the conference hall. So what is it that matters when it comes to selecting the right background images?
How to choose the right number of columns for your scientific poster
You’ve read the poster creation instructions of the conference you’re planning to attend. You now know the dimensions of the board and the maximum dimensions of your poster. You also know its orientation and, perhaps, its default section titles as well. It’s time to start creating your poster using whatever means you are familiar with. And then you’re confronted with the first important question: how many columns should your poster have?
How to make your scientific poster informative and easy to read
An effective scientific poster should promote your work and engage fellow conference attendees in a constructive conversation with you once they read it. This helps your professional development and can build the foundation for new collaborations. The reverse is also true. Posters that do not attract attention and do not yield productive discussions obviously do not adequately promote you or your work. So what is one of the most common reasons why some posters simply fail to create enough interest?
Features: Optimal reading distance
Informs the user in real-time about the optimal distance by which the content of his poster is easily readable. As a result, the poster author is sure his text and graphs will be easily readable in the conference hall.
Poster optimizer
automatically adjusts a series of typographic parameters such as font-size, line-height and paragraph space to make the content perfectly fit to the available space on the poster, while maintaining an esthetic result.
Image optimizer
Each time the user adds one or more images to the poster, PosterGenius™ automatically arranges them and calculates optimal image sizes given the poster dimensions, number of columns and a series of other parameters.
Content QuickReview
Formats the content in a way which makes it easy to read and review on the computer screen while providing easy navigation through poster sections.
100+ of the best templates for your scientific posters
PosterGenius™ includes 100+ professionally designed templates for your scientific posters. The templates are classified in thematic categories such as "Science", "Medicine", "Engineering", "Nature", and "Art". Learn more »
e-poster ready
PosterGenius™ generates high quality e-posters that can be submitted and viewed on high-resolution Plasma, LCD or LED Displays, at a growing number of conferences worldwide.
What's new in 1.5
Including all the features most requested by our users, as well as many improvements for a better performance and an easier workflow, PosterGenius 1.5 makes the creation of scientific posters easier than ever.
Flexibility to customize templates
Easily customize a template by inserting and adjusting your own images as backgrounds.
Quickly customize the typography of every section through an intuitive user interface.
More on templates
You can now expand your template library by installing additional templates.
Stay up-to-date
With the newly introduced Update Manager keep your PosterGenius up-to-date with the latest code refinements, functionality improvements as well as new and improved templates. Free of charge for all users.
Multilingual Hyphenation
Have PosterGenius auto-hyphenating in your preferred language.
Tens of performance and workflow improvements
Tens of workflow and user-interface improvements are included, aiming to provide an overall better user-experience.
Complete compatibility with Windows 7
PosterGenius 1.5 offers complete compatibility with Windows 7.
System requirements
To run PosterGenius you will need a PC with the following characteristics at a minimum.
CPU 500 MHz or faster
RAM 256 MB (512 MB or more recommended)
Operating system Microsoft Windows® XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista®, Windows 7
Graphics card 64 MB RAM or more
Disk Space 500 MB for the installation, 1 GB for use by the application
Minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768 (1280 x 800 or higher recommended)
Adobe® Reader® 7 or later (available for free at www.adobe.com)
Use Java
Internet connection for product activation
Language English
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