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Main » 2010 » Сентябрь » 18 » Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7.17 ML Portable
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7.17 ML Portable

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 has fulfilled a number of development goals with great success. The new program interface and user guidance make it easy for even new users of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 to find their way around the application. But what good is a fabulous look and feel if the performance is not up to par? The secret behind the enhanced cleaning efficiency are scan algorithms which have been optimized to their fullest.
Ashampoo WinOptimizer - новая 7ая линейка пакета программ, позволяющего оптимизировать операционную систему за счет ее настройки и очистки. Включает в себя утилиты для очистки жесткого диска и системного реестра, модуль для обеспечения защиты личной информации путем поиска и удаления файлов и данных, оставшихся после интернет-cepфингa, утилиту для оптимизации интернет-соединения, модуль для настройки программ, ...

Moreover, updated exception lists offer even more security. Automatic check routines and corrections including defragmentation guarantee the ultimate in convenience. The most popular function in Ashampoo WinOptimizer—the One-Click Optimizer—pretty much sums it up: You clean up and optimize your Windows® system with just ONE click.
Still not convinced? Compared to previous versions, you now have access to a greater amount of more detailed information, with explanations and recommendations on found objects, Windows® services, tweaks, settings, etc.
And, not least, we’ve integrated an online rating system into two of the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 modules for your additional convenience. These allow interactive queries to be sent to the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 user community as well as online updating and the synchronization of ratings.
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 completely new interface of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 combines newly developed modules with optimized tried-and-tested modules to create a perfect synthesis of system tuning, maintenance, and reliable protection.
The latest generation of Ashampoo WinOptimizer has a fresh look and feel that is inspired by the user interface of Windows® 7. The all-in-one interface allows fast access to the integrated function groups.
The innovative online rating system pools the knowledge of all Ashampoo WinOptimizer users and enables direct online updating and synchronization. You benefit twofold: from our wealth of experience and the experiences of the community.
There’s no need to get frustrated with your PC or give up on your system. Just sit back and relax. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 is the maintenance specialist for your computer.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 stands for state-of-the-art technology, efficiency, security, and intuitive user guidance. Or simply put: For making work fun.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7—the name says it all!

New functions of Ashampoo® WinOptimizer 7
* New all-in-one interface for intuitive operation and efficient workflow
* Automatic system analysis on start of the program
* Disc Doktor for hard drive maintenance
* Service Manager including online connection
* StartUp Tuner including online connection
* File Associator for automatic checking and repair of faulty file associations
* Improved scan algorithms for better cleaning results and greater security

Here’s What’s New in the Ashampoo WinOptimizer Toolbox
All-In-One User Interface
The innovative user interface allows direct access to functions with just one click. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 has no additional dialog boxes or pop-up windows that might disturb you when working.
Disk Doctor
The Disk Doctor hard drive maintenance program is new in Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7. Problems with the file system and file structure are identified automatically. The tool allows defective sectors to be repaired—including damaged MFTs (Master File Tables)—and also gives you the option to recover lost data.
System Analysis
Another new feature in Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 is the real-time system analysis that now updates automatically when the program starts. A new algorithm identifies which system components are currently in use. Redundant files and registry entries are displayed for evaluation directly. Unnecessary services are also evaluated and appropriate decision support tools are provided. Customized suggestions are put forward on the basis of existing tweaks and settings.
Service Manager
The innovative online rating system pools the knowledge of all Ashampoo WinOptimizer users. It allows individual services to be rated manually on the basis of personal experience, and information on individual services to be sent or interactively queried. Naturally, online updating and the synchronization of all available ratings are also performed.
StartUp Tuner
The graphical identification of essential Windows® autostart entries has been enhanced in the improved StartUp Tuner, and the way in which information is displayed for individual entries has also been optimized. Specific software that is not required can be accessed directly and uninstalled. The range of functions offered by the StartUp Tuner is rounded off by the option to view IE plug-ins and delete particular plug-ins as required.
File Associator
A perfectly optimized operating system also depends on file associations that work properly. The reintegrated File Associator automatically checks and repairs faulty program and file associations. Additional security is provided by the real-time backup connection.
Further Improvements at a Glance
One-Click Optimizer
The fully automatic clean-up of selected computer zones with just ONE click has been improved once again.
Drive Cleaner
An enhanced scan algorithm provides greater security when your system is cleaned and, at the same time, ensures that clean-up is faster and more efficient. Naturally, the exception lists for important applications have been updated.
Registry Optimizer
Improvements to the Registry Optimizer have focused on 64-bit systems. As with the Drive Cleaner, optimized scan algorithms provide faster search results plus a thorough and safe clean-up of your Windows® database, ensured by the real-time backup connection.
Internet Cleaner
The Internet Cleaner finds and deletes all traces of your Internet activity in order to protect your privacy. It also deletes the temporary Internet files that take up a lot of space on your hard drive. This new and improved version supports the latest generation of browsers and now provides simple guides to browser derivatives.
This convenient module gives you direct access to a great many Windows® configuration and performance settings, enabling you to fine-tune your system to make it behave exactly as you want. Numerous new tweaks and options—particularly for Windows® 7—have been integrated. Automatic backups provide utmost security for your tuning settings.
System Information
This module has also been updated and offers you even more detailed information on the processor, memory, Windows® version, etc.

Still not convinced? Compared to previous versions, you now have access to a greater amount of more detailed information, with explanations and recommendations on found objects, Windows ® services, tweaks, settings, etc.
And, not least, we've integrated an online rating system into two of the Ashampoo WinOptimizer seven modules for your additional convenience. These allow interactive queries to be sent to the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 user community as well as online updating and the synchronization of ratings.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer - новая 7ая линейка пакета программ, позволяющего оптимизировать операционную систему за счет ее настройки и очистки. Включает в себя утилиты для очистки жесткого диска и системного реестра, модуль для обеспечения защиты личной информации путем поиска и удаления файлов и данных, оставшихся после интернет-cepфингa, утилиту для оптимизации интернет-соединения, модуль для настройки программ, автозагружаемых одновременно с запуском системы, а также модули для поиска и удаления ненужных фaйлoв DLL, для безвозвратного удаления данных и для шифрования файлов, а также возможность настройки параметров системы и ее оптимизация за один клик.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer позволяет переназначать ассоциации файлов, шифровать и расшифровывать файлы, а также безвозвратно их удалять. В седьмой версии программы появилось немало новых возможностей, новые модули, включая новый антишпионский модуль и менеджер контекстного меню Windows, а также множество улучшений и исправлений.
Возможности программы:
* Оптимизация и очистка ваших жестких дисков
* Очистка от временных интернет файлов
* Очистка системного реестра от мусора и неправильных записей
* Одно-кликовая оптимизация системы
* Простая и эффективная дефрагментация жестких дисков
* Управление автозапуском программ
* Управление запущенными процессами
* Оптимизация и увеличение скорости вашего интернет соединения
* Полное удаление файлов без возможности их восстановления
* Восстановление удаленных файлов
* Настройка параметров ОС Windows
* Изменение внешнего вида Windows с помощью Визуального Стилиста
* Сохранение и восстановление расположения иконок на вашем рабочем столе
* Просмотр дисковой и системной информации
* Прямой доступ ко всем функциям ОС Windows
* Разделение и соединение больших по размеру файлов
* Приятный пользовательский интерфейс
Новые возможности:
* Новая версия дефрагментатора жестких дисков
* Новый антишпионский модуль
* Новый менеджер управления контекстным меню
* Новая вкладка Избранного
* Усовершенствованная одно-кликовая оптимзация
* Улучшенная очистка дисков
* Улучшенная оптимизация системного реестра
* Улучшенная очистка интернет файлов
* Улучшенные инструменты настройки Windows
* И множество других новых возможностей и улучшений

Update: Sep, 2010
Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Multilingual user interface (English, Russian, etc)
Developer: ashampoo.com
No registration is required
Size: 22.53 Mb

Attachments: Картинка 1
Category: Portable Soft | Views: 805 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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