* Позволяет изменять атрибуты изображений: цвет, качество, яркость, контраст, и т.д.
* Регулирует размер изображения в масштабе, поддерживает ротацию изображения.
* Способен к добавлению определенных юзером водяных символов на изображения.
* подготовительный просмотр начальных файлов сразу с Подготовительным просмотром эффектов. Очень комфортен.
Описание: Программа предназначена для поиска и удаления дубликатов картинок на Вашем компьютере. Находит (и довольно эффективно находит!) дубликаты даже если они разного размера и цветовой гаммы. Полноценная, 100%-но работоспособная программа с переведённым на русский язык интерфейсом.
Поддерживает 10 форматов графических файлов: jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif, pcx, tga, wmf, emf, psp
Единственное в настройках, не стоит ставить меньше 96% совпадения, иначе можно наломать дров, тюе удалить лишнее.
Рекомендую сначала просто потренироваться , перед полноценным использованием этой замечательной программы для поиска дубликатов изображений. Идеальное решения для поиска дубликатов фото, картинок.
Чем у Вас мощнее компьютер, тем шустрее она работает.
Scripts of commands including input and output setup can be saved and loaded for reuse. A batch script may be run on a single image, on a folder, or on a list of files and folders. Script commands may be tested and run on a sample image. Includes 91 commands and supports 10 image file formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif, pcx, tga, wmf, emf, psp) plus various camera raw formats (Canon, Nikon, Kodak, FUJI, Olympus, Pentax, Sony etc.).
PhotoBatch does batch processing, format conversion and renaming of image files. Scripts of commands including input and output setup can be saved and loaded for reuse. A batch script may be run on a single image, on a folder, or on a list of files and folders. Script commands may be tested and run on a sample image. Includes 91 commands and supports 10 image file formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif, pcx, tga, wmf, emf, psp) plus various camera raw formats (Canon, Nikon, Kodak, FUJI, Olympus, Pentax, Sony etc.).
This is designed to be an intuitive and easy to use single image and batch processing application. All but the simplest commands provide a dialog window where you can observe, on a sample image, the effect of the command and see the effect of changing parameters. Just move a command into the script list box.
Most all commands may be set using absolute pixel values or relative values (%). Setup the script commands using relative values and you may apply the script to any size input image and get the output desired.
Input files may be filtered in various ways (file type, date, size, aspect ratio). A single script may produce multiple output images from each input image. Output files may be saved in a different file format and renamed in various ways (prefix,suffix,auto-number) This is designed to operate on and output 24 bit single image files. It does not support mult-frame image input or output (AVI or multi-frame gif). Within this constraint, it is simple to use and powerful. Each command by itself is simple in its effect, but a sequence of commands can make a script that does complex effects.
Most batch processing involves simple resizing and file conversion, but using reusable scripts allows much more complex imaging effects whether done in single image mode or batch mode. Here is a picture created from one of the sample scripts included with PhotoBatch. This 10 command script creates a tiled canvas with 400 copies of an image and then blends it with the original.
DupDetector is a utility for finding and removing duplicate and near duplicate images from your image collections. A useful tool for everyone who has large image collections. Even stock commercial collections are often littered with exact duplicates and multiple images only sharpened, brightened or with slight color modification). If you have large image collections, test them with DupDetector. I sometimes wonder how those dups got in there.
Supports 10 image file formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif, pcx, tga, wmf, emf, psp).
System Requirements
IBM or compatible Pentium/AMD processor (900 MHz or greater), 512 MB RAM or greater. 1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows 2000 SP (Service Pack) 4+
Windows XP SP2+ x32 and x64 Editions
Windows Vista all SP x32 and x64 Editions
Windows 7 x32 and x64 Editions
Includes the following 91 script commands:
01 Add border...
02 Adjust: Contrast - brightness...
03 Adjust color HSL...
04 Adjust color RGB...
05 Adjust: histogram luminance...
06 Batch log comments...
07 Blend...
08 Blur
09 Blur_more
10 Blur (gaussian)...
11 Blur (outward)...
12 Border (find and crop)..
13 Canvas...
14 Color curve adjust...
15 Convert grayscale
16 Convert: BW dither...
17 Convert: BW threshold...
18 Convert: one color
19 Convert sepia tone
20 Copy/move...
21 Counter (reset or increment)...
22 Count colors
23 Crop
24 Custom filter...
25 Delete input file
26 DeSpeckle
27 DO_WHILE (condition)...
29 Drop shadow effect...
30 Dust (remove)...
31 Effect_mosaic...
34 Emboss
35 END image loop.
36 Exit
37 Flip - horizontal
38 Flip - vertical
39 Frame overlay...
40 Gamma adjust...
41 Grid overly...
42 Highlight-midtone-shadow...
43 Histogram(equalize)...
44 Histogram(stretch)...
45 Horizontal perspective
46 IF_START (condition)...
47 IF_START (first file)...
48 IF_START (last file)...
50 Input (temporary)...
51 Input fixed image...
52 JPG Header info...
53 Loop Start (by number)...
54 Loop End (by number)
55 Mask overlay...
56 Maximum filter...
57 Median cut
58 Median filter
59 Minimum filter
60 Negative-invert rgb
61 New(canvas)...
62 Noise (add)...
63 Output setup...
64 Output (temporary)...
65 Reload image
66 Replace (1) color...
67 Rotate (90-180-270)...
68 Rotate specify...
69 Scale: change size...
70 Script info
71 Sharpen
72 Shift image...
73 Size and crop (absolute)...
74 Skew
75 Solarize
76 Start image loop (setup)...
80 Swap RB(red-blue)
81 Swap RG(red-green)
82 Swap GB (green-blue)
83 Text overlay...
84 Text overlay (absolute)...
85 Tile grid...
86 Tile image...
87 Tile over absolute...
88 Unsharp mask...
89 Vertical perspective...
90 Watermark - image overlay...
91 Writer preferences... Language English