От пользователя лишь требуется указать названия, имеющихся в его коллекции фильмов. После чего Movie Label автоматически соберет информацию о ваших фильмах из онлайновой базы данных и загрузит информацию в каталог. Таким образом, вы сможете собрать не только краткие описания фильмов, состав актеров, режиссеров, сценаристов и прочего, но также Movie Label загрузит обложку фильма, укажет продолжительность киноленты, информацию о кастинге и многое другое. В случае, если собранная информация покажется вам неполной, имеется возможность ручного добавления информации о каждом фильме. Интерфейс Movie Label 2011 многоязычный с поддержкой русского языка.
Возможности Movie Label:
• Поддержка видео DVD, VHS, Laser Disc и других носителей
• Автоматическое заполнение базы по тегам
• Сортировка и поиск фильмов в каталоге
• Создание отчетов и их публикация в удобном виде
• Просмотр трейлеров для фильмов в вашей коллекции
• Экспорт вашей коллекции в файлы Excel, XML, HTML и т.д.
• Высокая скорость работы
• Приятный и удобный интерфейс
What can Movie Label do for you ?
* Get your whole collection organized in no time. Simply type titles or scan barcodes and all information about your movies and TV-series is automatically downloaded.
* Find those golden oldies with the powerful yet easy-to-use search engine.
* Save money by not purchasing duplicate movies and by keeping track of DVDs on loan.
* Get the full picture of your collection with statistics and reports.
* Catalog any kind of media ranging from DVD and Blu-ray to Divx movies on your hard drive, or even VHS if you still have those. You can even add your own media types, making Movie Label future proof.
* See your collection with whole new eyes and learn new things about your movies by reading the downloaded trivia.
* Export your collection and save it on your mobile device to carry it along at all times. Movie Label exports to a variety of formats.
What information is downloaded ?
The following info is downloaded when available:
* Media: Cover Art, Trailer link
* Lists: Cast, Crew, Genres, Audio Formats, Languages, Subtitles, Aspect Ratios, TV-series episodes (including plot etc for each episode)
* Info: Title, Original Title, Plot, Tagline, Studio, Release Date, Certification, Country, Rating, Trivia (fun facts), etc..
* The above and more is downloaded. Apart from the downloaded information you can add a lot of info: Last Watched, Special Features, Rating, Price, Location, Website, etc..
Are there any limits to the product ?
Movie Label is a very mature product that uses a powerful database engine. This sets it apart from other products in the category.
* There is no limit to the number of databases you can keep. So keep one database for each family member if you wish.
* There is no limit to the size of each database and the product wont get slow even after adding thousands of movies.
* Movie Label is built from the ground up to support Unicode so you can use characters from any part of the world.
Quick Facts
* Quickly get your movie library organized by typing the title or barcode.
* Catalog any type of media (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, LD, Divx, etc).
* Scan your hard drive to find movie files and add them to your collection.
* Keep track of movies on loan with the built-in loan manager.
* Search and sort your collection with one click.
* Print reports and watch a variety of statistics.
* Export to various formats (HTML, XML, PDF, Excel, etc)
* Keep a list of wanted and ordered items.
* Create any number of databases of any size.
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