Иногда приходиться придумывать сложный текст, так чтобы он нравился клиентам. Самый простой способ написания такого текста это написание его в виде небольших заметок а затем выбор наилучшего сочетания между этими заметками. Каждая заметка это небольшой блок текста который "плавает" на листе, и которые вы можете перемещать как угодно, формируя структуру текста.
Writer's Blocks, новое приложение,которое позволяет записывать, упорядочивать и повторно использовать электронные заметки на переносных, настольных и планшетных компьютерах. Приложение предоставляет область для заметок и средства их организации произвольным способом. Кроме того, приложение Writer's Blocks позволяет записывать данные разными способами, а затем упорядочивать и использовать их по мере необходимости.
В приложении Writer's Blocks сочетается свобода и гибкость заметок, которые делаются на бумаге, с эффективностью и возможностями электронных средств организации, что повышает производительность работы с заметками и данными.
You can drag and drop the blocks arranging them to create a logical sequence: order out of chaos. The blocks give you a truly visual overview of your story that you just can’t get in the linear format of a word processor. Writer’s Blocks lets you write the way your brain works: which is not necessarily in a straight line. Your end result is exportable as a pdf file and standard word processing formats.
May 2011 - Now in our 17th year of business, we at Ashley Software are pleased to announce the latest version of Writer's Blocks, our powerful writing software for all of your writing needs. Our customers say it best (probably because they are writers), that the ability to have a visual overview of what you are writing opens up “new and richly productive possibilities” and helps “order emerge from chaos”.
Writer's Blocks: Revolutionizing the Way you Write
How Does it Work? - With Writer’s Blocks, you enter ideas, notes, or any type of information into movable blocks of text (hence the name Writer’s Blocks – don’t be afraid, it’s just a cute play on words).
Each block can contain a few words or a few pages. As with many aspects of the software, you control and customize it to your individual needs. Zooming out gives you a visual overview of what you have written. The blocks can be easily dragged and dropped around into a coherent structure.
When you are happy with your blocks, you can transfer what you have written into a manuscript in our fully integrated word processor. Each block remains linked to a section of the manuscript for quick and easy reference as you develop what you have written in a linear format. When you are finished, you can export your final product into several popular file formats.
What's New in Version 4
We think you will be very pleased at the LONG list of new features!
Installation – Easy installation with Windows 7/Vista. No more disabling the User Account Control.
Block Footnotes – One of our most requested new features! Each block has an optional footnote area where you can enter reference information (or any other type of information). When you transfer block text to the manuscript, the footnotes are compiled at the end for a bibliography.
New Ribbon Interface – Consistent with Microsoft products, Writer’s Blocks 4 uses a new interface based on the Microsoft® Office Fluent™ user interface known as the Ribbon menu system.
Drag and Drop Columns – Drag and drop entire columns of blocks – another highly requested new feature.
Selecting Blocks is Easier - Select a block by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key and clicking anywhere inside a block.
Insert Graphics – Graphics can be inserted into blocks and the manuscript and they can be printed from the manuscript panel.
Hyperlinks – Blocks and the manuscript can contain hyperlinks to web pages.
Mouse Wheel Scrolls Text in Blocks – Just click in a block and use your mouse wheel to scroll.
New Spell Check Tool – We have added a powerful new Spell Checker with a 140,000 word dictionary. You can optionally “spell as you type” and right-click to complete partially typed words.
New Thesaurus – We’ve added a great new Thesaurus with over 60,000 words with synonyms, antonyms and related words.
More Manuscript Import and Export formats – You can now import and export Word Docx and Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
Zoom Power Panel – You can now change the zoom level of the Power Panel independent of the Blocks Zoom. This allows you to see large text in the Power Panel while seeing normal size text in your blocks.
Multi-level Undo/Redo of Block Text – Each block has its own undo history. Index Card Printing – Print on individual index cards of any size supported by your printer.
AutoMax – A new feature that automatically enlarges the current block so that you can see more text as you edit.
To read about even more new features, try the trial and view the complete list in the User’s Guide (accessed from the Help Tab -> Writer’s Blocks Help).
Key Benefits
Increased Productivity - Writer's Blocks is writing software that lets you capture and arrange your ideas easier and faster than ever before. Create hundreds of blocks each containing a few sentences or a few pages of text. Arrange your blocks into a coherent structure and then transfer your outline into the integrated full-featured word processor and expound on your ideas. Each block remains linked to a section of your manuscript for quick and easy reference. Click on a block to automatically scroll the corresponding section of your manuscript into view.
Better Organization - Writer's Blocks software lets you store all of your notes and reference material all in one place, but unlike other software for writers, Writer’s Blocks keeps all of your blocks visible in the workspace for easy reference. Writer's Blocks provides you with a rich toolset that lets you capture ideas, notes, and other information, quickly and easily – and gain the full benefits of the power of association from the information you have gathered on-screen.
Faster Outlining - Writer's Blocks lets you capture ideas at the speed of thought. And consolidating information from multiple sources is a snap with the Power Panel. Brainstorm to capture your ideas and information, then arrange them later. Because each block can hold several pages of text, the program will not limit you during any stage of developing your document.
Better Structure - Editing your blocks is a breeze. Each block is like a tiny word processor document. When you are ready to structure your document, just drag and drop your blocks under up to 100 column headings that you define. Use the AutoArrange and AutoNumber features to keep your blocks in neat columns and rows as you flesh out your story.
Document Overview - Writer's Blocks gives you the big picture. The bird's eye view of your data that you enjoy with Writer's Blocks will give you a completely new perspective on your work. With our software for writers you'll write better and faster than ever before!
Major Features
Integrated full-featured word processor lets you use Writer's Blocks from start to finish.
Split Panel interface lets you view and edit your blocks and manuscript at the same time.
Import and Export native Microsoft Word, RTF, HTML, and text documents. Convert an existing document to blocks and rearrange it, simply by rearranging your blocks.
Float the Power Panel over your browser when collecting information from the web. Drag and drop text into the Power Panel to collect huge amounts of information on the fly, storing each note in a separate block.
AutoType feature automatically completes any word that already exists anywhere in your document. No more creating word lists ahead of time.
Use Blockmarks to navigate to the section of your manuscript that is associated with the selected block.
Drag and drop text between blocks and any Windows program that supports drag and drop such as your Internet browser.
AutoScript feature let's you format a screenplay with 'Tab and Enter' ease.
Language English