With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted. By using the program proactively, you can insure that your data on CD-ROMs are safe -- before it's too late! CDCheck provides the following features: readability verification, binary compare, CRC file creation (and verification) and file recovery.
С CDCheck Вы можете проверять ваши компакт-диски и обнаруживать поврежденные файлы. CDCheck обеспечивает следующие возможности: проверка удобочитаемости, набор из двух предметов сравнивает, CRC создание файла и восстановление файла и т.п.CDCheck - Предназначена в основном для проверки компакт-дисков на "читабельность", но вообще-то CDCheck работает со всеми файлами, где бы они не находились - на жестких или компакт-дисках, флоппи, ZIP дисках и т.д. Еще один способ применения - сравнение CD-ROM с копией, находящейся на жестком диске.
Product: CDCheck
Version: stable release
Author: Mitja Perko
License type: freeware/shareware (details)
Supported OS: Windows XP, 2003, Vista
Available languages: Arabic, Belarusian, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Taiwan, Turkish, Ukrainian
Short description (details): CDCheck is utility for prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files with emphasis on error detection. It offers readability verification, creation and checking of MD5, CRC-32, SHA... hashes (in file formats SFV, MD5 and CRC), extremly efficient file compare (faster than in most other programs) and recovery. CDCheck can be used on all files visible by the operating system. This means all files that you can see in Windows Explorer (CDs, DVDs, disk drives, floppy disks, ZIP drives, USB keys...). Apart from this it also works with audio CDs and provides information about inserted CD/DVD (manufacturer, media type...).
Longer description (details): CDCheck is utility for prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files with emphasis on error detection. It can check each your CD/DVD (or any other media) and indicate which files are corrupted. CDCheck reporting features tell you exactly where the problems are. Files on CDs, zip drives, USB keys etc. can get damaged in a number of ways, so the program helps you determine whether your data is safe before it's too late. The program also provides extremly fast binary compare for effectively checking that file transfers (burning, copying...) were accomplished successfully and alerts you of differences. Besides that CDCheck supports creation and checking of MD5, CRC-32, SHA... hashes in SFV, MD5 and CRC file formats. This provides means to check backups for possible loss of information or verify file transfers where comparing is not possible (transfer over mail etc.). The program can be used with all local or removable media (CDs, DVDs, disk drives, floppy disks, ZIP drives, USB keys...) visible by the operating system (Windows Explorer) and also with audio CDs. In addition CDCheck also gives detailed information (manufacturer, type, capacity...) about inserted CD or DVD media.
Key features (details):
hash creation and checking
file/directory checking
binary file/directory compare
file/directory recovery
audio CD support
data DVD support
CD/DVD information with media ratings
CDCheck does not provide:
recovery of files that cannot be seen by Windows Explorer
(audio CD recovery is possible but not recommended)
recovery of deleted files (from disk, floppy drive...)
comparison of images against CD/DVD
System Requirements
IBM or compatible Pentium/AMD processor (900 MHz or greater), 512 MB RAM or greater. 1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows XP SP2
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Language Multilingual / Russian