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Main » 2011 » Ноябрь » 13 » Portable AddNewFriends MySpace FriendBlasterPro v12.5.0
Portable AddNewFriends MySpace FriendBlasterPro v12.5.0

Portable AddNewFriends MySpace FriendBlasterPro v12.5.0|All Windows(x86) |rar|13 mb

FriendBlasterPro leverages the newest marketing medium for you. MySpace is a social network site where millions of people go to set up accounts about themselves and to interact with others. These members add each other as friends and take part in the many features MySpace has, creating an extremely large social network.
MySpace FriendBlasterPro - программа для продвижения вашего сайта, программа работает в крупнейшей социальной сети MySpace.
Using this social network to market your products, services, events or bands is an extremely powerful new method of advertising. The process is very easy. You start by creating an account for your product on MySpace. You then send friend requests to other MySpace members, either targeting specific users or sending random invitations. Once you have your own network of friends who are interested in your product, you can send messages directly to them about product information, upcoming events, etc. As your list of friends grows, so does your profits.

Category: Portable Soft | Views: 771 | Added by: vv07 | Tags: Portable Soft, AddNewFriends, InterNet Tools, Portable, Feature, FriendBlasterPro, MS software, MySpace | Rating: 0.0/0
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