Кaждый фильтp (а их в программе бoлee 100) выпoлняeт oпpeдeлeннyю зaдaчy => пoиcк, зaмeна, дoбaвление, yдaление, copтиpoвка, пpeoбpaзoвание тeкcта и т.д.
Фильтpы применяются пocлeдoвaтeльнo, можно задать цепочку из этих фильтров. Можно сохранять проекты для многократного дальнейшего использования.
Основные возможности TextPipe Pro:
* Пepepaбoтaнный пoиcк и зaмeнa в cooтвeтcтвии с заданной cxeмой. Причем можно задать как абсолютно идентичные cooтвeтcтвия, так и c нeчeткoй лoгикoй coпocтaвлeнии (для иcпpaвлeния oбщeизвecтныx oшибoк нaбopa).
* Сортировка текста по алфавиту, рандомизация строк, подсчет и удаление дублирующихся строк.
* Добавление и(или) извлечение определенных слов, строк или частей текста, как введенных вручную, так и содержащихся в любом другом текстовом файле.
* VBScript или JScript (или PerlScript, PythonScript, REXXscript и т.д.) фильтpы мoгyт быть oпиcaны c нacтpoйкoй для oбpaбoтки кaждoгo пoля.
* Пpeoбpaзoвaниe cимвoлoв кoнцa cтpoки мeждy фopмaтaми Unix, Mainframe, DOS и Macintosh.
* Преобразование текста в список слов.
* Иcпpaвлeниe зaглaвнocти бyкв (нaпpимep, sImon -> Simon), несколько видов смены регистра текста.
* Удaлeниe пpoбeлoв в нaчaлe, в кoнцe cтpoк, и yдaлeниe мнoжественных пробелов.
* Удaлeниe тэгoв HTML и XML или только их атрибутов.
* Дoбaвлeниe нyмepaции cтpoк, лeвoгo и пpaвoгo пoлeй, зaгoлoвкoв и cнocoк.
* Дoбaвлeниe или yдaлeниe cтoлбцoв тeкcтa, дoпoлнитeльныx cтpoк.
* Дoпoлнeниe или yceчeниe дaнныx пoлeй дo определенной шиpины.
* Извлeчeниe aдpecoв элeктpoннoй пoчты и URL и мнoгoе мнoгoe дpyгoe...
TextPipe™ is a multi-award winning, industrial strength text transformation, conversion, cleansing and extraction workbench. One tool - One point of maintenance. With TextPipe you specify all your text processing functions in one place, rather than remembering and managing multiple manual jobs across various text editors, command line tools, custom scripts and Word and Excel macros.
What does TextPipe do?
TextPipe makes it fast and easy to convert, transform and re-purpose data in text files, including
* HTML, XML and other structured documents from the WWW
* Fixed length or delimited files (CSV, Tab, Pipe, etc)
* Unix, Mainframe and PC/Windows end-of-line formats
* Inside Zip files, and the new Microsoft Office 2007 formats DOCX, XLSX, PPTX
* ASCII, ANSI, Unicode and EBCDIC files
* Security log files from firewalls, web servers etc
* EDIFACT, HL7, SWIFT and other structured formats
* Spooled print files
* Structured and unstructured reports of any size or dimension
TextPipe also works with binary files, however for Word documents (.doc) see WordPipe, for Excel spreadsheets (.XLS) see ExcelPipe, for PowerPoint presentations (.PPT) see PowerPointPipe and for databases see DataPipe. For mining of web sites using TextPipe, see WebPipe.
Seven Reasons Why TextPipe is Different
1. TextPipe is exceptionally fast
2. TextPipe handles files of unlimited size, even files larger than 2 Gigabytes! Other applications attempt to load the entire file into memory (grinding your system to a halt).
3. TextPipe's unique restrictions control precisely where changes are made. Restrict to a range of lines or columns, to specific Tab or CSV fields, between HTML/XML tags, and inside custom ranges. Restrictions can be combined, for example, to columns 1-10 of lines matching a pattern. Restrictions are essential for extensive but controlled search and replace
4. TextPipe performs multiple operations simultaneously. Other applications offer only 1, up to 5, or require a slow multi-pass approach
5. If TextPipe's 100+ filters don't suit your needs, you can use industry standard VBScript/JScript to write your own. Other applications either don't offer this facility, or force you to learn a proprietary language
6. TextPipe is unique in offering the EasyPattern pattern matching language for those not familiar with text pattern matching (regular expressions). EasyPatterns are English-like and very easy to learn
7. TextPipe can be scheduled for non-interactive use, and can be controlled by an external program. Other applications provide only a mouse interface.
What's New in TextPipe v9.0 - January 30, 2012
*New filter to perform a calculation on restricted text e.g. add 1.5 to a
*Comment filter now allows Unicode text.
*Windows Home Server no longer considered a 'Server' platform.
*Log files now support Unicode.
*Fixed action of 'Skip/Replace in Rest of File' when used inside a restriction
- previously it carried forward for the rest of the job, instead of the rest
of the current file.
*Remove multiple whitespace filter now generates detailed log information.
*Trial Runs now generate the same logging data as real runs.
*Fixed missing filters from Lite Edition.
*TextPipe only registers its COM object during install and for the /REGSERVER
command line option - preventing errors on less-than-admin use.
*Restored action of F9 button to start running when the All Filters view is
* Opening and Updating zip file log messages are now clickable.
*Updated third-party zip DLL to improve Windows x64 support.
*Fixed handling of double backslashes in the replacement term for
search/replace lists when consecutive search was selected.
*Unicode strings are now converted to UTF8 when the perl pattern filter has
UTF8 mode selected.
*Restrict to matching/non-matching filenames now works with files of unlimited
What's New in TextPipe v9.1 - March 15, 2012
*Added new macro @inputPath to contain the path to the input file, with a
trailing slash. This lets you easily create output folders at the input path
*Added new macro @inputExtension to contain the extension of the current input
*Output Filter's Single Output Filename, new File Extension and New Path can
now all contain macros.
*Added support for Open Office Writer (.ODT), Calc (.ODS) and Impress (.ODP)
file types as new compressed file types.
*HTML Restriction filter now supports entity names with embedded colons (:)
and hyphens (-) which is essential for working with Open Office files and
other XML types.
*EasyPattern keyword [backwardSingleQuote] renamed to [graveAccent] as the
original name was incorrect.
*The right-click context menu on the Filter Tree now allows groups of selected
filters for 'Make Into a Subfilter' and 'Promote'.
*Fixed operation of log 'overwrite' option - the log cache would not clear
previous logs created since TextPipe was started. Logs were also not being
closed at the completion of a filter job, hence they could not be deleted.
*Macros and environment variables are now allowed to contain numbers, provided
that the first character is not a number.
*The right-click context menu of the replace string now inserts captured
variable names instead of $1, $2 etc when you ask it to insert a CSV, Tab or
XML string. This makes it far easier to identify which fields belong where,
as well as making the replacement string less sensitive to changes to the
search pattern.
*New optimization for named captured variables - TextPipe replaces these with
the captured variable number behind the scenes - so you get the ease of use
benefits of named variables, with no speed decrease.
*EasyPatterns now allow a literal (ie a string of characters) inside a 'not'
expression, e.g. not 'ABC', or not EBCDIC('HDR').
*Mainframe copybook filter can now remove FILLER fields inside OCCURS blocks.
*Supported but not installed code pages now show 'NOT INSTALLED' beside them.
*Fixed AV's when saving or loading a file when running under Windows 7.
*Sort filter set to maximum allowed memory of 2GB to avoid integer overflows.
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