Dg Foto Art - это мощный инструмент, благодаря которому можно создать интересные и красивые коллажи. Основное направление этой программы - создание дизайна Свадебных книг. Любой фотограф занимающийся оформлением отснятого материала (для детских садов, школ, свадеб и просто различных мероприятий) по достоинству оценит широчайший круг возможностей данной программы.
Dg Foto Art является полным и автономным программным обеспечением. Эта программа позволяет создать неповторимые страницы альбома, не требуя никаких дополнительных инструментов, плагинов, и дополнительных программ. От вас потребуется только ваша фантазия и желание творить прекрасное.
Если Вы хотите запечатлеть всю красоту свадьбы, забавные моменты семейного отдыха или любого другого события и сохранить эти драгоценные воспоминания в виде красивых коллажей, Dg Foto Art предоставит Вам лучшие инструменты, позволяющие создать исключительный и элегантный альбом, который будет храниться целую жизнь.
Dg Foto Art отличается понятным интерфейсом и непринужденностью действий, что в сочетании с многочисленными шаблонами, декорами и инструментами поможет в профессиональной деятельности увеличить производительность и получить прибыль.
Некоторые особенности программы:
Легко пользоваться и изучать
Dg Foto Art предлагает чрезвычайно дружественный пользователю и хорошо организованный интерфейс, имея в виду ваши требования к проектированию. Для создания красивого дизайна страниц альбома, вам потребуется выбрать шаблон, и правильно подобрать соответствующие ему фотографии, выбрать подходящий фон и декорации.
Функция Drag-n-Drop
Особенность этой функции в необычайном удобстве. Вы открываете готовый шаблон необходимого размера, и просто «перетягиваете» мышкой ваши фотографии из фото галереи, которая расположена в нижней части экрана, в шаблон. При перемещении фотография автоматически изменяется в размерах в соответствии с выбранным шаблоном, но при этом сохраняет все параметры оригинала фотографии (разрешение, цвет и т.д.) Ту же самую операцию вы можете выполнить двойным щелчком мыши по выбранной фотографии. Это быстро и удобно.
Клавиши быстрого доступа
Горячие клавиши позволят работать быстро. Они назначены на все основные функции программы.
С дистрибутивом программы идет более 1000 шаблонов практически на все случаи жизни (свадьба, различные торжества, календари, открытки, школа, отпуск, портрет, рамки, фон, клипарты и др.). Тут присутствуют инструменты для редактирования и коррекции фотографий.Шаблоны могут быть настроены в сантиметрах, дюймах или пикселях. При создании шаблонов Вы можете использовать фильтры, маски, границы, клипарты, использовать цветокоррекцию и применить другие эффекты. Кроме того, программа позволяет создавать слайд-шоу, в том числе и автоматически. Dg Foto Art позволяет сохранять результаты работы не только в формате проекта, но и экспортировать в различные графические форматы.
Автоматическое изменение размеров проекта
Dg Foto Art обеспечивает уникальную возможность автоматического изменения размера вашего текущего проекта. После изменения размеров, все элементы проекта изменят свои размеры пропорционально относительно первоначального проекта. Это экономит кучу времени.
Индикатор использованных фотографий
В галерее вокруг фотографий, как только они используются на страницах шаблона, появляется красный контур. Таким образом, указывая различие между используемыми и неиспользованными фотографиями. Это позволит легко находить фотографии которые еще не были использованы в проекте.
Огромная библиотека Клипартов, Рамок, Масок и Текстур
Dg Foto Art обеспечивает огромную библиотеку клипартов, рамок, масок и текстур. Именно по этой причине требуется около 10GB свободного места жесткого диска, чтобы разместить материал проекта. Кроме того Вы можете также добавить ваши собственные Рамки, Маски, Текстуры и т.д.
Редактор текста
Dg Foto Art предоставляет богатый инструмент редактирования текста, который позволяет быстро добавить тексты к страницам шаблона, используя любые типы шрифтов, установленные на вашем компьютере. Вы можете применить к тексту различные спецэффекты - тени, основы, текстуры, и различные обводки. При изменении размеров текста его грани остаются гладкими.
Автосохранение проекта
Все работы ведутся в виртуальном режиме и поэтому файлы проекта являются небольшими по размеру и занимают достаточно мало места на жестком диске. Вся информация о слоях, эффектах и проч. постоянно сохраняется автоматически, поэтому даже при различных неожиданных ситуация вы не теряете данные и можете продолжить работу с последней точки сохранения.
Dg Foto Art имеет встроенные инструменты редактирования изображения. Вы можете выполнять цветокоррекцию в RGB и CMYK. Вы можете также редактировать яркость, контраст и гамму. Кроме этого можно создавать свои комбинации редактирования фотографии и сохранять их для дальнейшего использования.
Так же имеется 7 предустановленных наборов цвета включая сепию и ч/б режим. Эти режимы можно менять и создавать на их основе дополнительные наборы цветокоррекции.
Поддерживаемые форматы
Dg Foto Art обеспечивает поддержку всех стандартных форматов таких как TARGA, JPG, BMP, TIFF и почти все графические форматы. В настоящее время не поддерживаются форматы RAW и PSD. Для того, чтобы использовать форматы RAW и PSD, их необходимо конвертировать на другом программном обеспечении в стандартные форматы.
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
This powerful engine has the capacity to create beautiful albums in minutes and so is known for its maximum output. Dg Foto Art - Gold is built up by adding advanced features to Dg Foto Art - Classic version for complete image management. Tools like Levels, Curves and Histograms have been added that aid in color correction. Dg Foto Art - Gold also has many image editing tools like the Cloning Tool and Magic Wand and also carries a bunch of newly added image enhancement tools like Glows, Outlines and X-Y rotation.
Makes Album Creation Fast and Easy: Using Dg Foto Art – Gold photo album designer software, photographers can custom wedding photo album design in minutes. This is possible with a myriad range of 1700 ready-to-use templates and host of instant features. Photographers now do not require any artistic or computer skills to use Dg Foto Art – Gold to design photo albums.
Improves Productivity: With Dg Foto Art – Gold album making software, complete Albums can be created in less than a hour which otherwise would take a lot of time to design using other traditional artist wedding album imaging software, this results in more number of Albums to be created within the same time and with less efforts through this digital wedding album software.
Provides Value-for-Money: Dg Foto Art – Gold is a complete wedding photography solution and has been designed for Photographers who wish to provide a creative touch to their album creations and want fast & easy wedding photographer software that can do so. The net Return on Investment is seen from the first couple of orders itself making it the only professional photographer album software doing so.
Highlight Features
- Can be used on both the Windows & MAC
- Available in 9 languages.
- 1700+ ready to use classified into categories like Landscape, Portrait, Panoramic & Square
- Modify existing Templates & create new ones.
- Huge Library of borders, masks, cliparts & backgrounds
- Flip Templates & Swap Photos
- Color correction tools
- Guidelines for accurate image composition
- Multiple Outlines, Glow, X-Y rotation
- B/W & Six preset tones along with the option to create new tones.
- Touch-up Tool, Image Enhancement & Lasso cutting tools
- Magic wand tool for uniform background cutting
- Viewer for managing photos & album pages
- Contact sheet printing
- Built-in Mailing & FTP client
- Slide-show for proofing thus helping you to save on your printing costs
- Direct export in jpg, bmp or any other Universal Graphic Format
- Printing can be done from any printing lab of your choice & many more features.
Makes Album Creation Fast and Easy: Using Dg Foto Art - Gold, Photographers can create Digital Albums in minutes. This is possible with a myriad range of 1700 ready-to-use templates and host of instant features. Photographers now do not require any artistic or computer skills to use Dg Foto Art - Gold as it is very simple to use and learn.
Improves Productivity: With Dg Foto Art – Gold, complete Albums can be created in less than a hour which otherwise would take a lot of time to design using other traditional imaging software, this results in more number of Albums to be created within the same time and with less efforts.
Provides Value-for-Money: Dg Foto Art – Gold has been designed for Photographers who wish to provide a creative touch to their album creations and want a fast & easy solution that can do so. The net Return on Investment is seen from the first couple of orders itself making it the only product doing so.
Universal Graphic Format support
Dg Foto Art - Gold supports all the standard file formats like TARGA, JPG, BMP, TIF and almost all the graphic formats except RAW and PSD.
Auto Resizing of Template Pages
Selected template of any size can be used to set up digital pages in user defined sizes, with automatic resizing of the template elements, without compromising the look and feel of the original template.
Auto Resize of Project
Auto Resize of project is a unique feature, where in you can automatically change the size of your current project maintaining the original look and feel of the original project.
Used Templates Indication
Templates already used in the album get marked distinctly with a red outline…a very useful feature for tracking usage of the Templates.
Instant Photo Resize and Rotation
Resize and rotate photos instantly with onboard control. While rotating, the angle of rotation is also displayed on board. You can also flip the images horizontally or vertically.
Replicate Photo Properties
Properties of a photo can be instantly applied over any other photos repeatedly. This feature is very useful for application of favorite tones, masks or filters to multiple photos. These properties include applied masks, borders, tones and almost all the special effects applied on the photo.
Favorite Templates and Photos
Favorite photos and templates frequently used in the album can be kept separately for quick access. Exploring through huge folders of images can be evaded.
Unique Color Picker Tool
In the Color selection dialog, a color picker tool enables selection of any color from the screen. The selected color can be applied to backgrounds, outlines, shadows, shapes and text. Flawless blending of colors using this feature makes the pictures look real.
Center lines and Ruler
Additional composing features like Center lines and Rulers are added assets to the software. While making a panoramic album reference of these guide lines can be taken to avoid misplacement of the objects on the template page. The guide lines intersect horizontally and vertically at the exact center of the current page. The rulers can be set to either centimeters, or inches as per requirements.
Instant Reordering of created template pages
Order of the created template pages can be rearranged by moving the thumbnail of the template pages with the page numbers automatically assigned after reordering thereby saving time.
Work on Multiple Pages simultaneously
Multiple pages can be viewed and worked on at the same time thus giving you the exact feel of the album that will be printed. It will also save a lot of time and gives more scope for systematic design planning.
Story Board
Story board enables viewing of the innumerable thumbnails of the created template pages for a project. Story board option gives a vivid idea about the templates already designed and also helps maintaining the story line of the album.
Smallest Project Size
The project files created in Dg Foto Art - Gold are small in size, thereby saving a lot of hard disk space. This also enables your projects to open and save very quickly. Project files are uncomplicatedly transferable to clients as it is easy to handle small files.
Auto Save
The Auto Save feature automatically saves the current page and updates its thumbnail in the story board, the moment a new page is opened. Thus, no worries about any unforeseen event. At regular intervals the work is saved and thus there is no risk of losing important data.
More than 1000 Ready to Use Templates
Dg Foto Art - Gold gives you an extensive collection of readymade templates of various sizes designed for different occasions. These templates can be used to make the page look more elaborate for the occasion.
Customizable Template Page Size
Templates can be customized to sizes in centimeters, inches or pixels and print resolution too. So depending on the size requirements of the customer the pages can be sized.
Create your own Templates
Design your own or modify existing templates with great ease quickly and store them for re-use. These templates give wider choice while making brochures, albums, calendars, etc.
On Board Thumbnail View and More
Thumbnail view of the Objects and Template pages is available. You can also view more than the normal number of thumbnails in the thumbnail gallery at a stretch for quick and easy access.
Guide Lines for accurate composing
Dg Foto Art - Gold offers innumerable guidelines for accurate composing. Guidelines can be made to appear universally across all of your template pages. This brings out fineness in your design work and avoids confusion. Designing gets simpler with guidelines and the designer can design comfortable and put less efforts.
Current Object Position
The selected object’s position on screen with respect to the Ruler is displayed on board. Hence more accuracy and precision in placing of your objects to give them a professional look. There is less difficulty in designing or modifying the object.
Flip Templates
Flip templates with a click of a button. A very useful feature while arranging your template pages in an album.
Multiple Alignment Options
Select pictures of multiple sizes at a single selection and make the photos align linearly or set them at equal spacing automatically and quickly. This is a useful feature while designing a multi-photo album page.
Huge Library of Clipart, Borders, Masks, Textures and Filters
Add eye-catching clip arts, borders, masks, textures and filters from its huge library. Use these existing elements in the library to spice up the album pages and minimize the efforts of designing or building new designs for specific themes.
Ready Shapes
Provide a decorative look with huge collection of ready shapes like rectangle, ellipse, rounded rectangle and lines to add creativity to your pages. Outlines can be added to define these shapes and colors to intensify them.
Instant SEPIA and Black & White Tones
Featuring 7 ready-to-use tones including B&W and SEPIA. Tones can be applied instantly on any photo at the click of a button. You can also create, save and reuse your own tones. This is an instant effect that can change the whole look of the photo without actually using any specific designs.
Cropping Photos
Dg Foto Art - Gold allows instant cropping of any picture with great ease, be it within a Frame or otherwise. This is done at just the click of the mouse.
Clone Stamp Tool
Remove your image imperfections with this clone stamp tool. Your image imperfections will easily blend against the cloned area and make it appear flawless.
PXL Editor
With innumerable edit options makes handling images easy, rectifying the minutest flaws and controlling photo exposure and factors like auto levels and auto contrasts too.
Adjust color tones of a photo by using the Levels feature. Correct the color intensity of the photos by altering the tonal range of the image.
Alter the color tones of an image by changing the shape of the curve in the Curves dialog box. Using this ready option you can quickly change the color tones of the image as per requirement.
Auto Color
Contrast and color of an image can be adjusted using the Auto Color command by searching the image to identify shadows, midtones, and highlights, thus making the image look more effective.
Auto Level
The Auto Level control automatically adjusts the black point and white point in an image. With Auto Level increase the contrast in an image with the pixel values being expanded especially in images with an average distribution of pixel values that need a simple increase in contrast.
Auto Contrast
The Auto Contrast control can be applied to adjust image contrast automatically. Auto Contrast improves the appearance of many photographic or continuous-tone images especially on an improperly scanned image.
Magic Wand
The Magic Wand tool lets you select a colored area without having to trace its outline. This is an extremely important tool for knocking off a chroma background from the photos
Lasso Tool with Auto Feather
The unique lasso tool removes unwanted portions of a photo for replacing the background. A feather is also applied automatically around the edges of the cutout portion.
Swap Photos
The positions of two selected photos or objects can be swapped at a single click. Efforts of dragging and dropping the images at respective places can be saved.
Text Editing
With a rich text editing tool you can instantly add texts to the template pages by using any true type fonts. Effects like drop shadows, outlines, textures, and thickness can also be applied on the text.
Photo Enhancement
Enhance selected portion of a photo and color-correct it instantly. Multiple selections can be made and manipulated independently.
Color correction
With complete in-built color correction capability, you can perform color correction with RGB and CMY tool.
X- Rotation & Y- Rotation
Now easily transform images with the X & Y Rotation feature
Glow effects
Add pizzazz to your creations by the Glow effects. Make a complete image transform by applying this feature.
Instant Drop Shadow
Apply drop shadows, set a shadow direction, shadow distance and add opacity to it with this feature. Try this option to give a different look to your images.
Instant Multiple Outlines
Add Inner, Outer and Center Outlines all together on photos instantly.
Set Photo as a Background instantly
Any photo selected in Dg Foto Art - Gold photo gallery can be set as the background. The Photo background can further be manipulated to suit requirements. Changing backgrounds can give an entirely new look to the image without having to alter designs.
PXL Viewer
PXL Viewer is your bundled organizer that helps you to view the exported pages in actual pixels. Quick fix the photos or exported pages here through PXL Editor.
Export Multiple Pages Simultaneous
Multiple pages of a project can be exported simultaneously, thus saving time. One can even select or deselect the pages to be exported with help of thumbnail. The instant action of exporting multiple pages makes the process simple and fast. Flat images in standard graphic formats like JPEG, TARGA, TIFF etc. can be exported without any difficulty. It also allows you to customize the export DPI as per choice for sharing these flat images with friends and relatives via internet.
PXL ThumPrint
Get an index print of the album pages created by you with the help of PXL ThumPrint …a module within the PXL viewer. This gives a guide list of all the available pages created. You don’t have to go through each page to get to the desired page.
Send your creations to a desired ftp server to get the whole album printed without leaving your desk. This is a very useful feature when you have clients spread remotely all over.
PXL Mailer
Share template pages with your customers via e-mail by using the PXL Mailer. No need of an additional mailer software. Get it done all here! Design and instantly send your template pages to customers at a click.
Unique Slide Show
The unique slide show generator creates a self running file (EXE) containing slides of the template pages created. This file being small in size can be easily sent as e-mail for customer’s approval before printing. The need of personally visiting the customer and making presentations can be avoided.
PXL Converter
Converts files created in Dg Foto Art - Gold into standard print formats ready for printing. There is no need of intermediate softwares for conversion as Dg Foto Art - Gold has this feature.
System Requirements
- Pentium 4, 1.50 GHz Processor and above
- 512 MB RAM (1GB Recommended)
- 10 GB free disk space (20GB Recommended)
- DVD-Rom drive
- Microsoft Windows XP recommended with service pack 2 / Vista
- USB Port
- Default mail client configure (MAPI)
Language Multilanguage Доступно только для пользователей