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SimLab Composer — является удобным 3D-инструментом, который позволяет Вам максимально точно создавать и использовать свои трехмерные модели.
С помощью программы вы сможете: переносить трехмерные модели между различными CAD, дизайнерскими и визуализирующими программами. Быстро создавать интерактивные трехмерные PDF-файлы. Автоматически создавать впечатляющие трехмерные изображения, используя быстрый и физически точный рендерер(движок для визуализации), включенный в данный продукт. Программа поддерживает импорт 3D-моделей из многих стандартных форматов файлов, в том числе: SketchUp, Rhino, STEP, IGES, Collada, 3D PDF, 3D XML, FBX, OBJ, 3DS, DXF, U3D, STL, DWG, и SolidWorks. 3D-модели и сцены можно экспортировать в следующие форматы файлов OBJ, FBX, Collada, STL, U3D, BIP и OSG.
Компания SimLab выпустила новую версию своего пакета для конвертации 3D-моделей между САПР-пакетами, составления полноценных сцен и рендеринга. Среди новых функций - real-time рендерер, улучшенная анимация, новые функции интерактивного 3D PDF, возможность создания интерактивных 3D-сред в Сети с помощью HTML/WEB GL и т.д.
В новой версии реализована функция Decal system, которая позволяет добавлять пользовательские логотипы на модели. Ещё был усовершенствован механизм настройки материалов. Кроме того, добавилась поддержка глубины резкости при визуализации. Ещё стоит отметить возможность экспорта анимации для просмотра на iPad, и поддержку последней версии Mac OS (Lion).
Ключевые возможности: Простой и очень удобный интерфейс программы.
Переносить трехмерные модели между различными CAD, дизайнерскими и визуализирующими программами.
Быстро создавать интерактивные трехмерные PDF-файлы.
Автоматически создавать впечатляющие трехмерные изображения, используя быстрый и физически точный рендерер(движок для визуализации), включенный в SimLab Composer.
SimLab composer: is a 3D scene building, rendering, sharing, and animation application. SimLab Composer provides users with all the needed tools to build 3D senses from existing models. In addition to the draggers found in modern 3D applications to place models in the scene, SimLab Composer offers unique tools like snap to object and snap to ground to make building 3D scenes intuitive and fast.
SimLab Composer: maintains the assembly structure of imported 3D models. This enables users to select the level to work on (face, body, part, subassembly or assembly).
For models with no texture coordinates, SimLab Composer gives its users the needed tools to generate texture coordinates.
SimLab composer supports importing 3D models from a wide range of 3D formats
3D Sharing: SimLab Composer gives users different options to share 3D Scenes;
3D PDF: 3D scenes created in SimLab Composer, can be exported as 3D PDF files. A 3D PDF file is a PDF file (that can be opened using a free version of Acrobat reader), which includes 3D Data. The recipient of the file will be able to view, rotate, and interact with the 3D scene. 3D PDF was designed to be very easy to use for none technical users.
• 3D PDF enhancements in SimLab Composer 2.3 includes:
• Exporting models with scene states
• Option to export lights from SimLab Composer to generated 3D PDF files
• Exporting Section planes
• Adding reflection and bump mapping support
• Unicode support in header/footer
• Option to hide/show world axes
• Option to enable/disable selection in generated 3D PDF
• Instances support, which reduces the size of the generated 3D PDF files
• More lighting and rendering modes
• Selecting repeat or swing model for animated 3D PDF files
• Option to enable full screen
• Option to enable measurement of generated 3D PDF file
3D HTML (WebGL): SimLab Composer supports sharing models as HTML files that can be opened using any of the leading web browsers including Google Chrome, Fire Fox, Internet explorer and Safari by utilizing the web browser's native WebGL capabilties
Exporting to Android/iPad: 3D scenes created in SimLab Composer, can be exported to Android/iPad as SimLab archive files (*.zim). SimLab Archive files can be opened using SimLab CAD Viewer on iPad, and Android.
Rendering: SimLab Composer Rendering edition includes SimLab RT Renderer, a high quality real time renderer. SimLab RT has full integration with SimLab Composer, and is suitable for interior and exterior rendering.
• Rendering enhancements in SimLab Composer 2.3 includes:
• Rendering scene states
• Rendering Cross sectioned models
• Retain Materials: retain material capability enables automatic assignment of rendering materials to imported files, the user need to assign materials once per model and after that retain materials can be used to automate material assignment process, which improves the speed of generating high quality rendered images.
Assigning materials can be done by dragging materials from the material library in SimLab Composer and dropping them on the 3D objects.
Animation: SimLab Composer animation edition allows users to easily create animations showing the motion of a designed machine, or a walkthrough of a house.
Animations created in SimLab Composer Animation Edition can be rendered and used to create movies that can be posted on the web and shared with others.
Animations created in SimLab Composer Animation Edition can be used to create animated 3D PDF, and HTML / Web GL files which include the motion of objects and cameras.
• Spherical animation: spherical animation is a new animation type that can be used to create a sequence of images that facilitates 360 view of high quality rendered images of 3D models.
• Import\Export enhancements
• Exporting to IPad: SimLab Composer 2.3 enables the user to export the scene as a SimLab archive file (*.zim). SimLab archive file includes the model, materials, textures, camera and scene states. Exporter archives can be opened using SimLab CAD Viewer. More information about SimLab CAD Viewer can be found here
• New exporters: the new version of SimLab Composer is capable of exporting SketchUp 8 files on windows and mac
• Updated importers: the following importers were updated in SimLab Composer 2.3:
• SolidWoprks, SolidEdge, 3D PDF, IGES, STEP, SketchUp and Rhino
CAD integration: • SimLab Composer 2.3 can run in new CAD integration mode, which enables the user to utilize SimLab Composer simultaneously with another 3D/CAD design application.
• Using CAD integration components, the user will have access to SimLab Composer functionalities from inside the 3D/CAD application. Supported functionalities will include import, export, export to IPad, render, transmit to SimLab Composer (those functionalities will depend on the edition of SimLab Composer and 3D/CAD Design application used).
What's new in version 2.3? Building 3D Scenes • Creating Section Plane: created section planes are exported to generated 3D PDF, used in rendering, and in exported 3D models.
• Visual feedback for none rendering materials: default materials are marked with stars in the scene material list to make it easy for the user to identify materials to be replaced.
• Adding bump and reflection maps to default materials: adding bump and reflection maps improves the realism of the scene exported to 3D PDF significantly.
• Combine identical vertices: This tool improves the illustration mode in 3D PDF for some of the models.
• Box selection tool: this tool makes it easy to select geometries, parts and assemblies, it also allows adding and removing to selection.
• Object Library: object library provides the user with easy access to frequently used objects to complete 3D scenes in SimLab Composer.
Capturing scene states: a scene state captures the following information from the scene: • Material assignment
• Object positions
• Light properties
• Camera
• Section Plane
• A small image (automatically captured to view the scene state)
• Using scene states, the user can save different states of the model, scene states can be exported to 3D PDF files, and can be used to automate rendering multiple views of the model.
• Unicode Support: SimLab composer 2.3 enables the user to use Unicode characters in all aspects, including creating 3D Text, names of objects, materials and cameras, 3D PDF header and footer, and file names.
Название: Simlab Composer 2014 Animation Edition
Год выпуска: 2013
Версия: 2.3 Final
Страница программы :Homepage
System Requirements
IBM or compatible Pentium/AMD processor (900 MHz or greater), 512 MB RAM or greater. 1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows XP
Windows Vista all SP
Windows 7
Language Multilanguage(No Russian) Добавлено 5% на востановление