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Main » 2009 » Сентябрь » 3 » eDocPrinter PDF Pro v6.48.5428
eDocPrinter PDF Pro v6.48.5428

eDocPrinter PDF Pro creates PDF files from applications in Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above . It works as a printer under windows environment, hence users can print from whatever application utilizing windows GDI printing device.
Профессиональная версия приложения для создания PDF документов из любой программы, поддерживающей печать. Программа работает в качестве виртуального принтера из любого приложения, которое позволяет печатать документы на принтере. eDocPrinter PDF Pro предлагает все базовые функции, такие как сжатие, включение в документ особых шрифтов и параметры информации о документе.

eDocPrinter PDF Pro creates PDF files from applications in Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above . It works as a printer under windows environment, hence users can print from whatever application utilizing windows GDI printing device.

eDocPrinter PDF Pro creates PDF files from applications in Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above. It works as a printer under windows environment, hence users can print from whatever application utilizing windows GDI printing device. eDocPrinter PDF Pro provides basic functions like compression, font embedding, and document information setting. It gives fully support of TrueType Font embedding. By native Unicode support, it handles DBCS (CJK, Chinese, Japanese, Korean) correctly, including subset embedding and vertical layout support. Hence users can print multilingual documents from English Windows versions. eDocPrinter PDF Pro also supports many advanced features like N-up, adding security setting, auto link detection, auto bookmark (outlines) generation, watermark support (text, image, and compound), automatically email PDF file as attachment, optimized for fast web view, destination control and etc...

eDocPrinter PDF Pro supports many advanced features:
* MUI (Multi-Lingual UI) Selection (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish and Swedish)
* Office-Addins support (including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)
* Word Form ==> PDF Form
* Auto bookmark generation by text attribute matching
* Merge with existing PDF by [Append to] , [Insert Before], or [Overlay]. It's a real PDF Merge function rather than only concatenating proprietary spool or ps file. More about Merge PDF Feature...
* Create PDF Layers (PDF 1.5 feature)
* Smart N-up (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 16 pages per sheet),
* Manually scaling by percentage
* Define and Add Custom Forms
* Standard PDF security setting (both 40bit and 128bit),
* Watermark support (text, image, and compound, PDF1.4 transparency)
* PDF-Stationary, PDF-Overlay (Overlay with existing PDF file as template)
* URL action for text watermark,
* Live URL and local file pattern detection
* Font embedding (True Type and Type1, support CJK, Non-Ansi, and Unicode fonts),
* Email PDF as attachment (MAPI and SMTP)
* Optimized for Fast Web View
* Destination control and PostAction (silent batch printing, default saveas path, auto-numbered filename ...)
* Full Escape control for developers (refer SDK guide)
* FULL XP-Style Themed when running in XP
* Hiding Property Pages by Administrators
* Custom Document Information by Registry settings
* Margin adjustment

eDocPrinter PDF Pro она предлагает полную поддержку включения в PDF документ шрифтов формата TrueType. Благодаря родной поддержке Юникода, программа позволяет создавать PDF документы на множестве языков, включая восточные языки. Русский поддерживается, но не для интерфейса.

Программы обладает дополнительными возможностями, такими как защита PDF документа, нанесение водяных знаков, автоматическое обнаружение гиперссылок, автоматическая отправка PDF документа по почте, оптимизация документов для публикации в WEB, слияние нескольких документов в один и многие другие функции.

Last Update: Mar 20, 2009
Supported Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Multilingual user interface: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish and Swedish
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Size: 5.1 Mb

Category: Soft and Warez | Views: 1004 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
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