Xinorbis is a simple but powerful hard disk analyzer. Using a sophisticated mix of graphs, tables and tree displays, it gives the user a complete overview of the contents of a hard disk (or directory). It makes it easy to see the contents, structure and file distribution and file composition of a whole hard disk, directory, or mapped network drive. Includes full report creation. Xinorbis это простой, но мощный анализатор жесткого диска. Используя сложные сочетания графики, таблиц и отображния структуры, он дает
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Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. It also gives the extra functionality to define a user's own language for the syntax folding and syntax highlighting. You can print your source code in color. It allows a user to edit the different document in the same time, and even to edit the same document synchronizely in 2 different views. It supports full drag and drop. Notepad++ это бесплатный редактор
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Moo0 ColorPicker lets you easily pick any color from your screen. It is very easy to use, and you just need to press Alt key on any part of your screen. It also comes with simple color adjustment features. This software may be useful if you work on designing and often wonder about colors. Note: Free for Non-Commercial Use Only. Обновилась Moo0 ColorPicker- программа, позволяющая легко выбрать любой цвет с экрана. Она очень проста в использовании, и вам просто нужно нажать Alt клавишу и мышкой выбрать лю
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Moo0 AudioEffecter is software that enables you to convert audio files into ones with various effects. The effect includes detailed adjustment of each tone range. Also, it includes enhancement of vocal and instrument sound, although it is still experimental. Moo0 AudioEffecter эта программа , которая позволяет конвертировать аудио файлы с добавлением в них различных эффектаов. Эффекты имеют подробные настройки на каждый тон в диапазоне. Кроме того, программа может улучшать качество и акцентировать звучание
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VISCOM Web Player is a free flv web video player for website, it is an easy and convenient way to add single or multiple video to any websites, including video share sites, online Training, Education and Distance Learning , your blog, Myspace, forum. Support streaming flv video from your web site. VISCOM Web Player представляет собой бесплатный FLV Player для веб-сайта, это простой и удобный способ добавления одного или нескольких видео на сайтах, в том числе видео интерактивного обучения, образования и дистанц
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ByteMove FTP is the free, fast, easy way to transfer files across your network or the Internet. With a quick download, easy installation and simple settings, ByteMove FTP provides reliable multiple FTP server access and excellent value for money. ByteMove FTP является свободный, быстрый и простой способ передачи файлов по сети или Интернету. С быстрой загрузкой, простой установкой и простыми настройками, ByteMove FTP обеспечивает надежный доступ к FTP серверу. Freeware File Transfer client for Windows 98, M
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Audio Video Downloader is the ultimate FREE tool to automatically download audio and video files from various famous content sites. It helps you to save your favorite online content to enjoy later. A system of content site suggestion and error report is provided to keep the tool extendable and healthy. A list of supported content sites is maintained and updated frequently to ensure the download function of the tool. Any user could request download support for a specific content site directly from the program, thus, th
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Windows Sofware, doesn't work in Win7|Portable DepositFiles FileManager with FTP It's packaged in VMwTA Program is registered|rar| MB DepositFiles FileManager with FTP and Downloads on with FTP. Для тех кто работает с Депозитом.Портативная версия их аплоадера.Поддержка FTP,бетка но неплохо показала себя в работе. Available for users only
2:48:56 |4;3|DVD-VIDEO-9 PAL (25fps) |Mpeg video|Dolby Digital 5.1|7.25 Gb Genre:POP
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