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Main » 2009 » Сентябрь » 22 » JetPhoto Studio 4.6
JetPhoto Studio 4.6

JetPhoto Studio is a feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software. Take a tour Creating Flash Galleries and Web Galleries
With just a few clicks, JetPhoto Studio can turn your digital photos into beautiful Flash galleries with a professional look. JetPhoto Studio also makes fantastic web galleries quickly and easily. Publishing Web Albums with JetPhoto Server.
Многофункциональная программа для хранения, организации, просмотра цифровых фотографий а также публикации фотоальбомов в интернете. Программа состоит из двух компонентов - JetPhoto Studio для простого создания и организации альбомов и JetPhoto Server для быстрой передачи и синхронизации локальных и серверных данных. Более того, JetPhoto Server может сам генерировать целые сайты, посвящённые фото!

JetPhoto Studio is an advanced photo Web publisher, making sharing your photo albums on the Internet easy. Once the photo album is prepared on your computer, only One-Click is needed to upload the album onto your own photo website using JetPhoto Server. JetPhoto Server is a PHP-based open source program to create your full-featured photo gallery website.

JetPhoto Studio is also an efficient desktop photo organizer for flickr users. Edit tags, descriptions, geo data for photos or sets of photos on your computer. Then you can post your organized pictures onto Flickr with just one click.

- GPS and GeoTagging
JetPhoto Studio allows users to review photos on a map within the program, which shows the locations where each photo was taken. JetPhoto matches digital photos with time-synchronized GPS tracks to locate photos automatically, and links photos on Google Earth and Google Maps.
* Locate thousands of photos in seconds!
JetPhoto Studio is integrated with GPS technology and can locate and link digital photos on a geographical map in a very easy way. This is an exciting advancement for anyone who likes to travel - and take pictures! You only need a GPS logger turned on to record tracks during your travels. No need the wire connection between your camera and your GPS logger. No need to add any GPS waypoints manually. JetPhoto Studio uses a convenient program to match digital photo timestamps with the time-synchronized GPS track logs. The longitude and latitude location information will be found automatically for all photos.
- Album Storage
JetPhoto Studio is a feature-rich digital photo organizing, creating, sharing and Web publishing software.
* Album is Folder
The first thing to consider is how to create a safe place to keep photos. JetPhoto Studio saves photos in albums. Actually, each album package is one folder saved on your computer. The folder contains the original digital photo files and the metadata saved as an XML file.
It is not necessary to learn a new way to handle photo files. Actually, you can think of an album as a normal folder. You can move, copy, duplicate, or backup as you normally would. Also open albums by double-clicking album folder icons while browsing files.
JetPhoto Studio also provides an Album Manager to help you manage all the photo albums saved on your computer.
* Archive and Backup
It's very easy to place albums in different folders to easily categorize your albums. Nothing complicated is needed to backup albums, just copy them onto a CD or DVD by any burning software you like.
Album folders can also be exchanged between Windows PCs and Mac computers. JetPhoto Studio provides versions for both operating systems in the same program.
* Import Photos
JetPhoto Studio can download photos directly from a connected camera or memory card reader. It can receive live images from a webcam or scanner too. JetPhoto Studio also allows you to import external photo files by drag-and-drop.
- Viewing
* Thumbnails Spotlighted
When you open an album in JetPhoto Studio, you have a Thumbnail view to browse photos. The matched photo icons will be spotlighted in the Thumbnail view when you search photos with keywords or filter photos with timeline.
* Magnifier
Double-click a photo thumbnail and the full picture opens in Detail view in the album window. You can place your mouse pointer on an interesting part of a photo, press and hold the mouse button to reveal a magnifier which magnifies the image with actual pixels at full size of the original photo.
- Organizing
JetPhoto Studio organizes your photos by notes you add, keyword tags you choose, camera EXIF information, by time, and by geographical location. Searching, filtering or sorting is done using this information.
* Notes and Keywords
You can write notes and tag with keywords for your photos. These text-based comments are searchable within both albums on your desktop computer and the web albums published onto your website using JetPhoto Server. JetPhoto Studio can also read and write photo descriptions / keywords saved in IPTC.
* Photo Calendar
For most people the easiest and most efficient way to organize your photos is based on the date and time the photos were taken. Using JetPhoto Studio, you can keep a log of your travel by taking photos, using the digital camera to keep your multimedia diary. JetPhoto Studio offers a calendar interface to help you review photos. There is nothing else for you to do!! JetPhoto records the photo capture time automatically when photos are imported from a digital camera. The date or time you took those photos will be highlighted in 'Month View' or 'Week View'. In this way, you can quickly pick out the wanted photos by timeline.
* Camera EXIF
Besides image data, some additional information is also automatically recorded by many digital cameras when you take a photo. This information might be: Camera Model, Aperture (F Number), Shutter Speed, Lens Focal Length, and more photo metadata is saved as EXIF. It is data hidden within each photo file. JetPhoto Studio can read and display all this information.

В JetPhoto Studio имеется несколько утилит для изменения размеров изображений, ставить "водяные" знаки, создавать флэш-ролики из слайдшоу, обрезать картинки под размер экрана мобильного телефона или PDA. После подготовки альбома вы сможете синхронизировать локальные данные с данными на сервере всего одним кликом мыши.

[center]Скриншоты декабря 2008 г. Этой программой (версия 4.1.) я делал WEB-альбом на 6 стр. для городского сайта.[/center]

JetPhoto обладает и уникальными функциями вроде использования GPS для поиска фото с помощью Google Earth!
JetPhoto Studio интегрируется с технологиями GPS и можно ссылку цифровых фотографий на географической карте очень простым способом. Это захватывающее улучшения для тех, кто любит путешествовать - и сфотографироваться! Подключите свой мобильный и далее Вам нужно всего лишь c журналом GPS обратились к записи трека во время вашего путешествия. Нет необходимости проводной связи между камерой и GPS-логгер. Нет необходимости добавлять любые GPS точки вручную. JetPhoto Studio использует удобную программу в соответствии цифровой метки фото со временем синхронизированных журналы GPS трек. Долгота и широта места информация будет найдена автоматически для всех фотографий.

Update: Sep 22, 2009
Supported Platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003
Multilingual user interface (No Russian)
Licence: Freeware
Developer: JetPhoto Software
Size: 14.1 Mb

Category: Soft and Warez | Views: 870 | Added by: Talyan | Rating: 0.0/0
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